Chapter 17 - Unexpected Rescue

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Katsuki couldn't put that dreadful feeling out of his head

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Katsuki couldn't put that dreadful feeling out of his head. They had departed an hour after Emerald knights. But his mind kept wandering off to the greenette, something felt off. At times like these, he truly hated not being mated to the greenette yet, if he was mated then he could feel what the greenette was feeling and could talk to him and Deku to ease his mind. His worries for the greenette were very apparent, even his friends could feel him sulking in worry. Shoto and Aoyama sighed heavily knowing what the Alpha was so worried about. Truely the greenette was a handful for them. Katsuki is always very occupied with him even when the greenette isn't around. Dominant Alphas are very clingy to their mates if they actually love them and Katsuki was the living proof of that fact. The plain roads were long and lonely for Katsuki, his mind wondering about the freckled greenette, his sweet strawberry scent , his bright smile that melted his cold heart, his lush and fluffy long virident hair, his shinning emerald eyes...

Katsuki immediately halted his horse. Something was wrong, he couldn't explain why he felt that way but he did and that feeling was far stronger than what he felt during Izuku's expedition in Beast Forest and it wasn't just him, Dynamight felt it too.

"Something is wrong.." Dynamight warned the blond through his mind link.

"Yes, something feels wrong." Katsuki frantically replied back. The Crimson knights were looking at their Commander in confusion as to why he stopped. He had stopped right before the cross road. The left road connects them to the Ruby estate and right path connects them to the Emerald estate.

"I.. I feel scared.. and cold.. No.. It's Deku.. I can still feel him when he feels very strong emotions.. Katsuki go to him.." Dynamight whimpered out.

Katsuki didn't need to be told twice. He jerked the reigns of his horse and lead his horse to the road on the right instead of the left. The Crimson knights were stunned. They all hurriedly followed their Commander. Shoto and Eijiro closely trailing right behind the Alpha. They could smell the sour scent of distress coming from the Alpha.

"What's wrong Katsuki?" Shoto yelled. The Alpha didn't reply. It was as if the Alpha couldn't hear their voices.

"Katsuki, what is it? Talk to us." Eijiro yelled as he tried to gain some speed to ride beside the Alpha.

He could see the worried look on his face, he recognised that look from two years ago. Something happened to the greenette and Katsuki sensed it. He wordlessly gestured the other knights to keep following and to be vigilant. After about 10 minutes of the knights riding, the smell of blood hit their nose and alot of it. It only worried Katsuki more. He was right from the beginning, something was wrong. Katsuki wasn't the only one who could smell the fresh blood, the blood did not smell rotten so the blood did not belong to rogue wolves. That fact alone sent shivers down the blond's spine for the first time. He rode his horse faster towards the smell. The scent only got stronger and stronger. When they got to the place where the smell was coming from, it was so strong that it reminded the Crimson Knights of the aftermath of a war. They all dismounted from their horses and immediately unsheathed their swords, all on high alert for any attack.

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