Chapter 6 - Vow

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"Tch, what is it that the old man wants?" Katsuki asked Eijiro, annoyed that he had to leave Izuku behind

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"Tch, what is it that the old man wants?" Katsuki asked Eijiro, annoyed that he had to leave Izuku behind. " Ahh, stop your belly aching Katsuki, the Omega won't die if you leave him for 10 minutes." Eijiro said chuckling as Katsuki growled at the statement. They were walking out of the great hall towards his father's study. He knew that whatever his old man wanted to talk about had to be serious or else he wouldn't have asked him to come to his study.

'Maybe an attack from Xeno or intruders or rogues?' he questioned himself. Katsuki and Eijiro soon reached the door to the study and opened it. When he entered, upon scanning the room he realized Lord Hizashi, his mother, his father and Shoto were in the room. Shoto looked a little annoyed or even angry, Hizashi, his mother and his father looked very happy.

"What is it, father?" Katsuki asked, curious as to what made Shoto angry and his parents so happy.

"Oh Katsuki....., tell me what do you think of Izuku-kun?" Masaru asked a little nervous of his son's answer.

"Izuku-kun? Well... He is great..? Why?" Katsuki replied unsure of why his father was asking him that.

"Well, if you are okay with it.... then we were thinking how perfect Izuku-kun and you look..." Masaru trailed off chuckling, a little nervous of his son's reaction. Masaru was aware of how his son was. Katsuki hated the idea of tying himself to someone else. He hated the idea of marriage. He even said when he was young that he will never mate with an Omega because they are weak and fragile and that his mother was a rare exception. Masaru had even considered mating Katsuki with an Alpha. Alpha x Alpha pair wasn't odd or frowned up as many royals and nobles mate their sons with female Alphas in hopes of strong Alpha off springs. But Katsuki was adamante on not marrying anyone. He cleared it with his old man that he didn't need a "fucking extra" tying him down.

"Oh!" was the only thing Katsuki could say. He was speechless. Yes, he liked the Omega. The Omega was just his type. He was strong, intelligent, beautiful, kind, made Katsuki feel things and see things differently. Up until today he never thought a simple flower or a gift could make someone feel a certain way, Izuku changed that. His wolf was going haywire with happiness.

"Say yes, That Omega is mine. He has accepted our scent. Say yes Katsuki." Katsuki's wolf, Dynamight said through mind link.

"Would you calm down? Let me think. I don't want a burden." Katsuki replied, annoyed that his wolf was causing a rucckus and he couldn't think.

"BURDEN!?, he is perfect, beautiful, his scent is delicious, His delicious strawberry scent makes me want to devour him." Dynamight said growling at the thought of the Omega underneath him trembling and screaming his name in pleasure.

"S-Shut up" Katsuki said, trying to hide the blush that was starting to form at the same thought.

He closed off his mind like so the wolf wouldn't interrupt his thoughts. He contemplated on the matter. Would mating be a thing he wanted? What if it was just a crush? What if the Omega didn't like him that way? What if he regreted it, Omegas were weak after all? Ya, Izuku is stronger than a normal Omega but would he be fragile?..... No, even if Izuku was weak, he would happily protect him. But....

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