Chapter 9 (II) - Announcement

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Part 2

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Part 2

It was now Izuku's turn to be stunned. He knew he had to get married to Katsuki if he wanted to stay alive but he didn't even have to do anything to convince the Alpha. He had no time to do anything and now suddenly he was bethroded? Was Katsuki okay with this? Was this forced on him? Is he going to face his wrath later for this? Will he be beaten by the Crimson Beast? All these questions were roaming in his head and fogging up any rationality he had felt. He didn't realise the look that his face held at the moment, he was too consumed in his thoughts to care to put up a fake smile. His face held the expression of utter horror and panic. His scent changing from a sweet strawberry to a sour rotten smell. The smell was strong enough that the Bakugous caught on to it and turned to look at the panicked Omega.

Izuku was looking at his glass with a similar expression that he had the day of the incident with Mineta. This gravely concerned Katsuki. Did he read the signs wrong? Did he just force Izuku to be his mate? Did he make a mistake? The guilt and regret of not asking the Omega before the announcement was eating at Katsuki. He wanted to surprise the greenette as he had assumed that Izuku liked him as the Omega accepted all his courting gifts. Masaru approached the terrified Omega but was stopped by Mitsuki, she approached him in a calm and assuring manner releasing few soothing pheromones to calm the little greenette.

"What's wrong Izuku-kun?" Mitsuki asked in the most gentlest of voice.

"N-n-nothing...." Izuku said now putting his head down and looking at the ground trying to hide his expressions.

"Do you not... wish to be my mate?" Katsuki asked in a small voice, his voice sounding hurt and broken.

Izuku's head shot up to look at the blond Alpha. He blinked a few times in bewilderment at the expression on the blond Alpha's face. He could clearly see the hurt and guilt in the Alpha's eyes. Katsuki looked hurt, sad and heartbroken as if he lost something very dear to him.

"I-If you don't want to, I will not object." Katsuki said stuttering, his voice breaking.

The Alpha's state broke Izuku's heart. All his terrors and questions were answered now. The hurt in Katsuki's eyes and the sorrow in his voice was enough proof that he wasn't forced and he was happy with this decision. Katsuki assumed that Izuku didn't want this as he panicked right after the announcement and felt rejected, that was proof enough that the Alpha wants him.

"NO. I-I want t-to be your mate and... your w-wife." Izuku said in a timid but firm voice.

"But your react-" Katsuki tried to ask but was cut off by Izuku.

"I assumed that this was forced on you, so I panicked. Forgive me. I didn't mean to reject you." Izuku replied waving his hands dismissively and tried to calm the Alpha down, who looked utterly broken.

"So.. you are okay with this? You are happy with being Katsuki's mate? If you need time to think.. you can Izuku-kun." Masaru asked Izuku.

"Yes Masaru-san. And no, I don't need time to think about this. I am honoured to be chosen as Katsuki-san's mate."

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