Chapter 22 - Saviour

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The evening of the ceremony was very pleasant

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The evening of the ceremony was very pleasant. Izuku truly missed the blond's company and it showed. He was laughing and practically glowing with how happy he looked. Katsuki's heart fluttered at that and only thrived to always have the Omega glowing with happiness.

Katsuki was walking Izuku back to his room to retire for the night. Izuku and Katsuki walked in silence for a bit, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. Both their faces held small smiles and it was a comfortable silence. But Izuku decided to break it.

"I really adore the tiara you gifted. I feel like a princess wearing it." Izuku giggled softly.

"You are one for now.. in a few years you will be a queen. My Queen.....  And in a way you are a Princess. You are the first born of the previous royal family so by blood you are a royal." Katsuki said simply with a bigger smile at the end. Izuku flushed red.

"I am pretty in your eyes." Izuku muttered under his breathe.

"You are more than pretty. You are enchanting." Katsuki clarified.

"I like who I am in your eyes. I just hope I can keep that image." Izuku said as he turned to Katsuki, standing infront of his bedroom door now.

"Canvi.. you will always be enchanting and strong, no matter what you do." Katsuki said reassuringly and then finally asked the question he wanted to all evening with a slight hesitation.

"Can I.. kiss you?" Katsuki asked softly. Izuku looked up, wide eyed. Katsuki thought it was from fear and he was going to be rejected but the raging blush on Izuku's face ressured him.

"Y-Yes" Izuku said as he walked closer to the blond.

Katsuki didn't waste a single moment in smashing his lips onto the greenette's. It had been so long since he felt the warmth radiating off of Izuku's body. So long since he smelled what Izuku's scent was like up close. So long since he felt Izuku's soft hands on his chest clutching his jacket to keep himself stable. So long since he felt the greenette's plump and soft lips on his. It had truly been a long time and each second made the blond want to claw his eyes out from the utter frustration. Kissing Izuku again felt like a breathe of fresh air after being confined in a coffine for decades for the blond. Katsuki couldn't help but groan with need at how good it felt and he wasn't the only one, Izuku eagerly reciprocated the kiss and pressed himself closer to the blond. He whimpered needily into the kiss and that whimper messed with every control Katsuki had. He pulled the boy close to him and picked him up without breaking the kiss even once. Izuku yelped into the kiss and wrapped his legs around the Alpha's waist and snaked his arms around the blond's neck.

Katsuki pushed the door to Izuku's room open and walked in and shut the door behind him. The blond didn't break the kiss even once. The kiss slowly turned from soft and gentle to hot, lustful and passionate. Izuku wasn't scared anymore, he felt hot and tingly and he knew only the Alpha's touch could help him with that. Katsuki stood infront of the bed and pulled back from the kiss and put the boy on the ground. Both of them slightly panting. Izuku's face was red and his eyes shrouded with lust. His eyes reflected need and Katsuki could read it very clearly.

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