Chapter 8 - Addicting

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The next 3 days were almost torturous for the poor Alpha

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The next 3 days were almost torturous for the poor Alpha. His instincts were clawing at him for leaving his Omega alone during his heat. Dynamight kept howling at Katsuki to go to Izuku and ease his pain. Katsuki had unintentionally claimed the Omega mentally during Izuku's petrified state after the incident. So now, he was more aware of the Omega's pain. He wanted to help the Omega, he was aware he couldn't knot the Omega but he could stimulate and do other things. But he couldn't trust himself around Izuku. He was a Dominant Alpha so he had more control of his instincts than a normal Alpha but Izuku's heat pheromones made him almost go into rut the first time he smelled them.

They smelled so sweet and so intoxicating, almost addicting. He wanted more, he wanted to devour the little Omega. He wanted nothing more than to ravage him, every time the Omega called for him. He had been outside Izuku's door for the whole 3 days. Not moving from his spot, even when Eijiro, Shoto or his mother came to get him or remove him. He did not budge. He would ferociously growl at anyone who tried to get close to the door or tried to remove him. After 3 days of hearing painful whimpers and calls for him from the Omega, he couldn't take it anymore.

He got up, making up his mind to stay in control and help the Omega. He would just only stimulate him so he gets his release and cuddle him. He will not lose control. No matter what , he won't lose control. He kept repeating that in his head. He slowly opened the door to peak his head inside. As soon as he did, a gust of sweet strawberry scent hit him. Katsuki almost lost control when the sweet gust of pheromones hit his nostrils but he managed to pulled himself together, warning Dynamight that Izuku would be in more pain, if he lost control. Dynamight whined but eventually listened and calmed down.

Katsuki slowly crept up to the bed to see Izuku laying on the bed, in the middle of his nest, curled up in a ball, clutching his stomach. The nest mostly consisted of fluffy looking pillows, which he assumed, his mother got them for the Omega and his clothes. Majority of Katsuki's clothes, that the blond wore more often were laying in a strange pattern, closer to the greenette. Izuku was clutching Katsuki's red fur coat that he wore everyday, to his nose. Loud whimper of pain could be heard from him. Katsuki had closed his scent pores so Izuku won't smell his scent and get agitated. He slowly reopened his scent pores, giving out a tiny amount of calming pheromones, just enough to alert the greenette of his presence. Izuku immediately reacted to it. He opened his eyes to look around, when his eyes landed on the Alpha, he whined and called out to him... But something was different.

Izuku was calling out to an Alpha before, not anyone but an Alpha. But now Izuku called out to Katsuki. He said Katsuki's name. Izuku recognised the Alpha and was calling out to him. That means that Izuku had passed the unconscious state of heat. He was conscious now. But for an Omega in heat, to call out to an Alpha by name even in a conscious state only means one thing, the Omega accepts the Alpha.

"Even though Omegas are physically weaker but they have the most power in choose their own Mate." Katsuki's mother had once said when he was younger.

"Omegas deep down know who will take care of them and keep them safe and protected. Unlike what people believe, the Alpha have almost no power if the Omega choose him, unless he breeds him by force. An Omega even in unconscious heat will reject any Alpha he doesn't want or is threatened by." Mitsuki's words echoed in his head. He couldn't help the smile of pride growing on his face.

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