Chapter 12 - Beast Forest

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Izuku had been racking his brain to try and think of a way to save the estate and the people suffering

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Izuku had been racking his brain to try and think of a way to save the estate and the people suffering. Nothing was working for the boy, no solution was good enough or would solve the problem. Now that he had become the Vice Commander, he had twice as much work than before. His regular tutoring sessions had been changed to learning about Ruby estate and their history as he would be the Lady of Ruby. He barely had any time to rest or be by himself. Hizashi's cruelty had returned and the Omega was back to being utterly terrified of making a mistake. Hizashi was extremely stressed because of the condition of Emerald, many of his knights had fallen ill due to the diseases, there was food shortage, water shortage and there wasn't enough treasure to buy what they lacked. He took his frustration out on his son in every way possible. He put more workload on the poor boy, pressuring him to find a solution about this and wiped the boy for even smallest of mistakes.

Izuku had found a solution and was on his way to his father's office to discuss it. He was quite nervous, he was well aware of how prideful his father was. He had found the solution but it was one that his father would never be happy about and this was the only solution. He knocked on the huge double door, a voice permitted him to enter. The boy entered the office and closed the door behind him. His father was sitting on his desk with a pile of paper work stacked in front of him. Half of his face wasn't even visible because of the pile of papers, only his father's eyes and the top of his head was visible. He cleared his throat and announced himself. Hizashi's eyes snapped towards the greenette and he stood up, dropping the papers in his hand on his desk.

"Did you find a solution, boy?" Hizashi said, in an angry voice.

"Y-Yes, father. I did but it's not something you will... like" Izuku said trailing off at the end.

"What? Tell me the damn solution" Hizashi snapped, slamming his hand on the desk making the boy flinch in fear.

"Y-Yes, We can get food rations from Jade Estate, they are in dire need of timber and we have an abundance of it at the moment. For water... we can.. ask Ruby estate-" Izuku didn't get to finish that statement. He knew his father wouldn't ask the Bakugous for help.

"NO! I will NOT be asking anyone for help." Hizashi growled.

".. There is.. no other solution.." Izuku said putting his head down and biting his tongue.

".... There is.. a solution." Hizashi said as he walked closer to the greenette.

"T-There is?" Izuku questioned, his voice just above a whisper.

"Yes, The Beast Forest. There is unlimited treasure in the Beast forest. If we can get that, then we will easily last through this famine and drought. We can easily buy what we need and run the estate smoothly." Hizashi said calmly. Izuku's blood ran cold at his father's suggestion.

"B-but father.. Beast Forest is crawling with magical beasts at this time of the year, many knights are injured and sick. Not many healthy knights are there that would be willing to-" Hizashi cut him off with a growl.

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