Chapter one: beginning

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A statue of Jake stood in the middle of a park which showed Jake with holding the star saber like a knight with the blade's tip in the ground with the words. "Jake Olivo, the hero of humanity. Gone but not forgotten." Engraved in the base. In the shadow of the statue stood a young woman with the same shade of brown hair as Jake but with some pink streaks of hair and her ocean blue eyes looked at the words engraved on the statue. "Hey Brooke what you looking at?" Someone asked and Brooklynn turned to face Darius who was now older and had a goatee on his chin and he had cut his hair.

"Just a statue of my dad." Brooklynn looked up at the statue again and Darius walked up next to her and looked up at the statue.

"It really has been thirteen years without him hasn't it." Darius said looking up at the statue as well.

"Yeah it has been." Brooklynn said as she looked at the star saber and she remembered how she had stabbed Nemesis Jake through the chest with the star saber.

"We should get back to Kenji's penthouse, it's getting dark." Darius said knowing that once the sun goes down the Troodon's come out to hunt.

"Yeah we should, I don't want to be attacked by a Troodon." Brooklynn said in agreement and they got into the car and drove off to Kenji's penthouse. When they got back to the penthouse.

"Hey red." Darius said to the now fully grown Dilophosaurus and the medium sized therapod made a friendly hooting noise as they walked past the shed Red called home.

Brooklynn watched as Red peaked out as the two walked inside the penthouse. The Dilophosaurus then walked out and he stretched out like a cat and he glared at the gate whilst drinking from his water dish. "You know Kenji Red isn't a guard dog right?" Darius asked Kenji and he looked over at Darius.

"I know but he's just to large to be inside, remember when he broke almost all of the statues in the living room?" Kenji asked recalling how Red's tail smashed five out of the eleven statues in the living room.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." Darius said sheepishly.

"But what about the time Red clawed up the coach cushions badly?" Kenji said and Darius remembered how Red had clawed up the coach cushions so badly that they were barely recognizable.

"Kenji he was bored, you try entertaining a nine foot tall and 23 foot long dinosaur." Darius said crossing his arms while Brooklynn sighed in annoyance at their bickering.

"Okay you two break it up." Brooklynn said getting between the two boys. Kenji just sighed and slumped down on the couch.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I've been stressed recently." Kenji said with a sigh and Darius just sat down in front of him.

"It's fine." Darius said kindly however that's when they heard Red's roar followed by the screech of a Velociraptor.

Darius, Kenji, and Brooklynn sprung to their feet and rushed out the front door to see Red and a Black and red Velociraptor brawling.

Red threw the Velociraptor off his back and it landed on the grass in pain and it cawed out for help but Red just clamped his jaws onto it's neck and started to shake it. However that's when a black, orange, and tan Velociraptor leaped onto Red's back. "We have to help him." Brooklynn said and Kenji nodded in agreement.

Brooklynn then shapeshifted into her Tyrannosaurus form and she roared at the two Velociraptors and they fled the property. "Thanks Brooke." Darius said patting Brooklynn on the leg and she shifted back to her human form.

"Your welcome." Brooklynn said as Red glared at the place the raptors fled. "Kenji I think you'll need an electric fence." Brooklynn said and Kenji nodded in agreement while Red went back into his shed.

"Did anyone else recognize something about that raptor?" Darius asked and the others looked confused at him.

"Well they worked like Blue and her pack did, they were extremely well cooperated." Darius explained as he reminded Brooklynn and Kenji about the time they snuck into the raptor paddock on Nublar.

"Do you think they're like the Atrociraptors made by Biosyn?" Brooklynn asked and Darius just shrugged as the sun began to set.

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