Chapter thirty four: victorious part one

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Jake looked at the most recent dinosaur fight footage that showed either a Gorgosaurus fighting a Ceratosaurus, the fight had just ended with the tyrannosaur winning the fight and the Ceratosaurus' unconscious body was removed from the fight ring. "This is worse then what Mantah corp was doing years ago." Kenji muttered with Brooklynn leaning her head on his shoulder as he watched the tyrannosaur was herded into a cage.

"Do you know what dinosaur that is Darius?" Yasmina asked and Darius rubbed his chin in thought.

"it's for sure an Gorgosaurus , a tyrannosaur related to Albertosaurus and Tyrannosaurus." Darius explained and Jake then turned the TV off.

"Well what's the plan chief?" Kenji asked Jake and he thought for a moment.

"Since these people are clearly using dinosaurs as their fights we should go in undercover. Kenji will act as the person who captured me, Brooklynn, Joshua, and Yasmina." Jake said explaining his plan.

"What about me and the others?" Sketchy asked and Jake looked at his younger cousin.

"You'll stick out like a sore thumb since there are no hybrids living in the wild." Jake said and Sketchy sighed in annoyance and facepalmed.

"I completely forgot about that." Sketchy groaned and he then got an idea. "I can act as his security guard." Sketchy said explaining his idea. After finding cages that could fit their suitable dinosaur forms the first group got into the cages.

Jake shifted into his Acrocanthosaurus form and lay down in the cage while Brooklynn shifted into her Suchomimus form and lay down in her cage and acted like she was asleep. Yasmina then shifted into her Styracosaurus form and followed suite while Joshua became his Triceratops form and sat down in his cage.

Kenji used some hair gel to flatten down his hair down however that's when Sammy and Ben walked up. "I think it would be better if we came along as well since you still have two empty cages." Sammy said and she climbed into a cage and shifted into her Sinoceratops form.

Ben followed suite in his Ankylosaurus form and the engine then started as Darius and sketchy climbed into the passenger seats. 'Get comfortable, it's going to be a long ride.' Jake said telepathically as he sat down and curled up to sleep as tarps were put over the cages and held down by straps.

'I feel like I'm in a blanket fort.' Sammy said telepathically while Yasmina yawned telepathically and closed her eyes. When they approached the dinosaur fight arena compound the tarps were removed and Jake let out a loud snarl as he looked at the workers.

"This Acrocanthosaurus and Tyrannosaurus already have scars on them." One guard said looking at Jake's scars he had from his previous fights. "Where did you find them?" The worker asked and Kenji then said.

"I captured them as they were about to fight. The others I just had my men tranquillize them." The workers then looked at Brooklynn who then roared at the two workers who stepped back. They then motioned for cranes to take the cages away and they were soon taken into a dark building.

Inside multiple dinosaurs paced around in their cells. However a familiar Carnotaurus sniffed the air and looked directly at the campers and snarled. 'It's Toro.' Ben said recognizing the scar on his face.

Yasmina gulped in fear and looked at the Carnotaurus which just snarled softly at her while a Ceratosaurus sat on the floor of it's cell clearly the loser of the most recent fight.

However Brooklynn then recognized a familiar Kentrosaurus in a cell in front of her. 'Pierce?' Brooklynn asked looking at the Kentrosaurus. Sammy recognized a familiar Sinoceratops in a nearby cage with slash mark scars on it's frill and back.

'Maria?' Sammy said looking at the ceratopsian which just snorted before lying down on the ground. The echoed sound of a crowd cheering was heard and a familiar Tyrannosaurus rex looked at Sammy weakly as it was put in it's cage.

'It's big eatie..." Ben said trailing off as the Tyrannosaurus looked at Joshua who just let out a low sympathetic growl to the Tyrannosaurus.

However big Eatie growled in response and Joshua backed off. An Allosaurus looked at Ben with a scar on it's eye showing that it was nearly blinded by it in a fight.

Pierce had multiple scars on his body same with many other dinosaurs however a Spinosaurus that was in a cage right in front of Jake's snarled softly as it eyed them up.

'They all have scars in some manor.' Ben said looking at a Baryonyx with scars covering it's body. However that's when Ben was suddenly taken out of his cage along with Toro and the two were led in separate directions by BRADS (the robotic dogs from camp Cretaceous season four).

The two combatants looked at each other as they were let into the ring and a loud bell sounded and spectators watched as Ben and Toro charged at each other.

Author note:
Another cliff hanger. Why? Because I want to keep you guys on your toes for when the new chapter drops. Also some old characters will appear soon. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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