Ben sat down in his room as he looked at a framed picture of him in the striker eureka Jaeger suit with the helmet off, Brooklynn, Kenji, Yasmina, Sammy, and Darius in the Valor omega armour also with his helmet off but also smiling.
Ben had a ping of guilt in his mind as he remembered what happened after that photo was taken. Brooklynn started getting obsessed with making videos again, Yasmina had to start practicing for the Olympics, Sammy had to start caring for her family's farm, and Kenji had left their friend group because of his business.
Ben and Darius even then grew apart from one another. Darius started to hang out with Brooklynn and Kenji more and then told Ben he was quitting the Jaeger suit program right after the jaeger suits started to loose their battles.
Ben was heart broken that his friends basically had just deserted the Jaeger suit program. Hell when they reunited once and a Hybrid had just made land fall Kenji had given Ben a choice of either staying and being with his friends or going off to slay the dragon.
Ben had snapped on that moment and shouted that he would choose slay the dragon over staying a second with them. Which then led to him blasting all five of them with his K-stunned missiles.
Ben knew the consequences of doing that and he had blocked his friends from his life and refused to speak with them. He had during those last few years had become the embodiment of Striker eureka. A cold and mercilessly hybrid killer.
Ben remembered how during the war more and more people started to call the mark six program a failure. Hell Ben even remembered how the report of Petro Poseidon had been unable to even kill a category three even though it's hydro cannons were on full blast.
Ben just ignored his friends even when they came to the shatterdome to speak with him. God that was dumb. Everyone would always say "Sorry Striker's out on patrol." Or "Sorry but Striker had a tough night. He needs his rest."
Ben thought it was amusing that the shatterdome personnel were protecting him from his own friends. Ben had feelings for Yasmina for a long time but he couldn't muster up the courage after in 2016 when he found out she only trying to get Brooklynn and Kenji together.
Ben had gotten over the crush and just focused on winning the war. But it really did pain him sometimes that he and Yaz could've been more then friends. However the mark five pilot was snapped out of his thoughts by someone knocking on the door and he put the picture away.
"Yes?" Ben asked answering the knock and he heard Yasmina's voice.
"Hey Ben can I come in?" Yasmina asked and Ben just opened the door and let her into his quarters.
"Is something wrong?" Ben asked as Yasmina sat down next to him.
"It's just that I'm concerned for Brooklynn." Yasmina started and then continued. "If our enemies find out about her being vulnerable while carrying a child again she could be an easy target." Yasmina then added.
"Plus she could be held as ransom." Ben hugged Yasmina silently and she started to uncharacteristic cry into Ben's shirt.
Ben rubbed her back gently and then said. "But I have a feeling like our enemies are already know about her being pregnant."
Meanwhile Apex threw Tomahawk into a wall and looked the rogue in the eye. "You will not harm the girl while she is pregnant with a baby." Apex growled and Amara responded with.
"Oh like how you harmed your girlfriend?" Apex grabbed the rogue Jaeger suit by the neck but then a voice said.
"Enough Apex." The voice was deep and commanded respect as a person wearing a Jaeger suits armour but their face was covered by a cloak with a cape.
"As you wish my lord." Apex said as he dropped Tomahawk who was gasping for breath.
"Do not even think about thanking me." The voice said to Tomahawk who just stayed quiet and then ran off.
"If it's true that one of pan pacific defence corp's pilots is pregnant with a child. Then we shall use that to our advantage." The voice said as he stood up and then walked past Apex with the red and black Jaeger suit following behind him. "We shall attack them when they least expect it." The voice continued as he walked.

Dino Jurassic squad: heroes of humanity
Fanfiction13 years after Jake had defeated Scourge, 10 years after Biosyn was defeated. The campers have grown up and are now entering adulthood, however their past seems to creep up on them as old and new enemies emerge. And the only thing that can stop the...