Chapter forty six: jaeger drop

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Richard Levine let out a sigh as he walked into the hanger bay along side Ben and Darius who had recently woken up. following suite and then stepped up onto a container. "Everyone listen up!" Richard exclaimed drawing everyone else's  attention. "We've found out where those lizards from hell are coming from. But we can only expend five jaeger suits. I know ranger Pincus and ranger Bowman have volunteered for the mission alongside me would anyone else?" Richard asked and multiple pilots murmured to one another.

"I'll go!" Came Yasmina's voice as she raised her hand. 

"I'll go as well!" Brooklynn called out as well raising her hand as well much to Jake's dismay. 

"Now let's mount up and get it done." Richard exclaimed as the group then armoured up. Richard stared at the mighty Shaolin rogue which had been chosen to carry one of the two high powered explosives on hand. 

The other was to be taken out of Striker Eureka's back unit in case Shaolin couldn't deliver the payload. Richard stepped into the jaeger suit and it was then lifted into the air with Jake in LOCCENT as stand in marshal. 

The Jaeger suits were carried by air to the location that the hybrids were coming from. "Alright you five we have two category four hybrids guarding the facility. codenamed 'Ralph' and 'Leonard'." Jake said over the comm channels. 

"Copy that LOCCENT all ports are sealed and we are submerge." Ben said over the comm channel in reply. 

"You couldn't give them more unique codenames could ya?" Richard asked with a snarky tone in his voice and Jake replied with.

"How about Scunner and Rajiu instead?" Jake suggested an Richard kept quiet in responce. "I'll take your silence in a 'Yes those codenames would be better suited for those two.' Richard." Jake said. 

The five jaeger suits were then dropped into the ocean with Shaolin rogue in the lead. "How are we supposed to find what we're looking for when we can't see a damn thing?" Richard asked and that's when Ben and the others activated their flood lights. 

"Does that answer your question for you?" Ben asked over the comm unit as he walked his eyes scanning the water and he swore he saw the tip of a crocodile like tail disappear behind a rock spire. 

"Anyone else have a feeling like we're being watched?" Darius asked as a large hybrid that had a crocodile like build with some traits from a Mosasaurus and Allosaurus was watching them from a rock spire but then swam off. 

Richard then after the five jumped down off a rock cliff into deeper water noticed the facility about fifty meters ahead of them. "Eyes on the prize you four, our destination is in fifty meters and closing." Richard said however that's when he noticed Rajiu closing in alongside a hybrid with Nasutoceratops like horns, the body almost like that of a Spinosaurus, and with a crocodile like tail swishing behind it slowly. 

However the two hybrids suddenly stopped. That's when a massive hybrid emerged from an airlock just forty feet infornt of Shaolin. "What category is this bastard?" Richard asked over the comm unit and Jake looked for an answer. 

"it's our first ever category five." Jake said finally. 

"Well isn't that just great?" Richard asked as he stepped back from the hybrid which snarled at him and Shaolin's older model of the sting blades activated. 

Richard then raised his sting blades at the hybrid and Brooklynn noticed how terrifying it looked. Small triangular shaped spikes ran down it's back to the end of it's tail while it's head looked similar to that of a fusion between a Tyrannosaurus rex and a Komodo dragon. It's tail ended off with a crown of three spikes.  

"Hold on Shaolin I'm right behind you about twenty feet or so just give me a minute so i can-!" Ben was cut off as Scunner rammed into him and pushed him backwards. However Ben grabbed the hybrid by the horns and slammed his head into it. 

Ben then activated his sting blades on his left arm and stabbed into Scunner's head and then shoved the side of it's face into a volcanic vent burning the hybrid's face but Ben pulled his blades out of Scunner's head and the hybrid swam off. 

However Rajiu charged at Ben roaring and he lifted his arm and then stabbed Rajiu with it however he lifted his arm up and he managed to cut the hybrid in half with his sting blades. Shaolin however was sent flying backwards into a rock spire by the category five he was fighting. 

Richard then stabbed his sting blades into the category five's shoulders as it pushed him back and the hybrid roared in pain. However that's when the hybrid would slash Shaolin in the chest with it's tail. the tail managed to damage the mark three's hull badly. 

Richard then noticed as the category five then let out a roar for assistance and Scunner appeared on the rock cliff behind him. "So it's gonna be like that eh?" Richard asked and that's when he prepared to detonate the payload.

"He's going to detonate the payload." Cortana said and Jake looked at her for confirmation and Cortana just shot him a look that said "Trust me he is".

"Richard don't denotate the payload! Striker, Marauder, Obsidian, and Echo are closing in on your location." Jake said over Shaolin's comm unit and that's when Richard then said. 

"Negative Jake they won't make it here in time. Besides we both know that I'm not going to make it out of this fight." Richard said and Jake realized what he meant the moment Richard finished talking. "Jake make sure to find someone who can fill my role as Marshal." Richard said as that's when he activated the payload's explosives. 

That's when both hybrids swam at him full speed and Ben then motioned for his friends to get to cover as Shaolin's explosives detonated vaporizing both Scunner and Shaolin and severally burning the category five. 

author note:

here's Shaolin rogue's design for you all who didn't know. this is without the payload, the payload looks exactly like Striker's back unit. 


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