chapter forty nine: drunken

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Ben got into his suit which had his medal of honor on it and he then walked into the meeting room as Jake stood also in his suit which was more decorated then Ben's. Ben stood next to Jake as Cortana's blue avatar stood from her stand with a suit that was similar to Jake's. "What's going on?" Ben asked and that's when Jake said.

"It's a meeting about the startling amount of rogue jaeger suits. The united nations will contact us shortly." Jake said to Ben and that's when the many representatives of the united nations showed up on the screens.

"Ranger Jake olivo where is Marshal Richard Levine?" on representatives asked and Jake took a deep breath.

"When we ended the war Marshal Levine sacrificed himself to kill a category four and severally injured a category five. I've been placed as stand in marshal until a new one is chosen." Jake explained and the representatives just nodded silently.

"On a more recent topic there has been an increase of rogue jaeger suits sighted around the world. Majority of them are seen near areas that were devastated by the war between us and the hybrids." One representative said as a black, gold, and gunmetal grey jaeger suit with a similar build to crimson typhoon rampaging around in Manilla.

Then it showed a jaeger suit with a similar build to a drone jaeger but black, grey, and cobal blue walking along a beach as people ran from the rogue jaeger. Ben looked at Jake slightly afraid of the fact that there was still a functioning drone jaeger suit. "And don't forget your friend Apex." One representative said as it showed the black and red rogue jaeger suit holding a man by his neck.

"So we're supposed to sit back and watch as your police jaeger suits deal with these rogue armours?" Ben asked and Jake looked at him concerned.

"No until it is absolutely necessary for a weaponized Jaeger suit to be used in the situation." A representative said and Ben just nodded silently.

After the meeting Ben went to go find Yasmina but he couldn't find her anywhere. "Hey Darius have you seen Yaz around?" Ben asked Darius who shook his head and then said.

"Last time I saw her she was down at the bar." Darius said and then added. "Which was about two hours ago."

Ben cursed under his breath and then thanked Darius for his help and then went down to the shatterdome's bar.

Ben entered into the bar and everyone looked at him for a moment but then went back to what they were doing before he entered.

Ben found Yasmina in her casual cloths laying sprawled out on the couch with a lazy smile on her face. "Hey Ben~." Yasmina said lazily and he noticed two bottles of the shatterdome's strongest wine empty laying on the table.

"Your drunk aren't you?" Ben asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"What? Nnoooo." Yasmina said clearly lying standing up and nearly losing her footing. Yasmina then walked towards him but nearly tripped over the table.

"That's it your going to bed!" Ben said as he picked Yasmina up and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"But I want to partyyyy." Yasmina whined and Ben grumbled under his breath and then walked out of the bar.

"Your father is going to kill the both of us." Ben said seriously and Yasmina responded with.

"I don't care what he thinks. He's a buzzkill." Ben rolled his eyes as Sketchy stared at him briefly as Ben passed by him but got the message as he noticed that Yasmina was rambling on about how she would rather party and be lay back then be serious.

"Stay put there." Ben said dropping Yasmina on her bed and she pouted like a little kid. Ben facepalmed and then decided to contact Jake and Edward.

"She did what?!" Edward nearly shouted and Jake facepalmed.

"Yeah she drank two bottles of the shatterdome's strongest wine." Ben said and Edward looked in at Yasmina who still sat there arms crossed like a little kid.

"And to top it off primal nucleic acid or primordial ooze when alcohol is added makes the person even more drunk." Jake grumbled and Ben looked in at his girlfriend.

"With your permission Edward I would like to take care of her." Ben said and Edward nodded. "Also you might want to go recuse Sketchy from the bar as well. He was heading in that direction as well." Ben added and the two rushed off to the bar.

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