Ben stepped out of the transport in the driveway of a penthouse outside of Chicago and he looked at the other campers, more specifically Brooklynn. Who was uncomfortable as she looked at the penthouse. "Everything's going to be fine Brooklynn." Ben said trying to reassure her.
"I just don't want to be left alone with him." Brooklynn said as Yasmina stretched out in the Saber Athena Jaeger suit.
"And I make sure your not." Ben said hugging her gently however that is when the door opened.
"Glad to see that you guys could come." Derek said cheerfully as he glanced over at Brooklynn who was hiding behind Ben which he noticed and was ready to activate his sting blades.
"Thank you for inviting us to your penthouse." Kenji said trying his best to be friendly and he and Derek shook hands.
"Well hello Brooklynn." Derek said and Brooklynn jumped in the air in surprise and clung onto Ben.
"You stay away from her." Ben snarled activating his sting blades and Derek stepped backwards in surprise.
"I see your still scared of me Brooke." Derek said chuckling but Ben was about to grab him by the throat.
"Why don't you give us a tour of your property mr. Mills?" Darius asked and Ben lowered his hand down to his side.
"That's a splendid idea Mr. Bowman." Derek said in agreement and led the group on a tour however Ben had his sting blades activated ready to slash Derek if he tries anything.
"If I remember correctly from the last time we encountered Derek as a group he had made a combination of Ultimasaurus, Scoprios Rex, and Giganotosaurus." Ben whispered to Brooklynn who just nodded.
"Along with a pack of hybrids that were a mix of Baryonyx, Velociraptor, and German shepherd. Both hybrids were able to give the Jaeger suits a hard time." Brooklynn whispered back.
Ben remembered how Titan redeemer was nearly destroyed by the Velocionyxs and how Guardian bravo had been trashed by the Gigascoprios rex. "But then you came in and beat the crap out of them." Brooklynn whispered and Ben stopped himself from laughing.
"Yeah the fuckers were mighty surprised when I had bombarded them with anti hybrid missiles." Ben said quietly not paying attention to the tour at all.
"And that concludes the tour of my property." Derek said and then assigned everyone to there rooms.
"I'm staying with him." Brooklynn said latching onto Ben who just lifted his sting blades.
"Alright then." Derek just said intimidated by Ben's size however the sun began to set and the group went inside.
"You take the bed I'll sleep standing up." Ben said as he placed Brooklynn's and his luggage on the floor and Brooklynn then nodded but shooed him out so she could get changed. Ben walked inside and then turned off the reactor core for Striker eureka.
Ben stood in the darkness hidden with his sting blades deactivated but ready to go into combat at a moments notice. Brooklynn slept softly and peacefully in the queen sized bed with Ben watching over her.

Dino Jurassic squad: heroes of humanity
Fanfiction13 years after Jake had defeated Scourge, 10 years after Biosyn was defeated. The campers have grown up and are now entering adulthood, however their past seems to creep up on them as old and new enemies emerge. And the only thing that can stop the...