Jake looked at the Titan redeemer jaeger suit and he was reminded of Joshua and he then looked down the hall past Tacit Ronin, Gipsy danger, Crimson typhoon, and Romeo blue. "Hey dad what are you looking at?" Brooklynn asked and Jake looked over at his daughter and sighed.
"Just the amount of Jaeger suits you have here." Jake said and Brooklynn chuckled.
"yeah it really made a hole in Kenji's bank account with the amount of jaeger suits there are." Brooklynn said looking at the forty five jaeger suits that lined the halls.
"How many were there originally?" Jake asked looking at Brooklynn.
"About fifty six were planned to be constructed, but eleven never got finished." Brooklynn said rubbing the back of her head.
"Hey do you remember Chicago?" Jake asked at random and Brooklynn looked at the floor.
"Yeah and how I had become a nearly twenty eight foot tall, fifty nine foot long Gojirasaurus and nearly killed Yasmina?" Brooklynn asked and Jake then said.
"I was more thinking of when you threw me into that restaurant." Jake said and Brooklynn remembered how she had thrown Jake in his Gojirasaurus form into a restaurant.
"Yeah I remember that along with Ben hitting me in the face with a garbage truck." Brooklynn said remembering how Ben had basically hit her in the nose with a garbage truck.
"I sometimes wish you could use that form again but have full control over it." Jake said and Brooklynn shook her head rapidly.
"No thank you I'm good with my current forms dad." Brooklynn said and Jake chuckled.
"I know you are." Jake said as the two then walked up back to the others.
"Wheres Yasmina?" Jake asked noticing Yaz wasn't with them.
"I think she's outside." Kenji said and Jake walked outside the others following him, there they found Yasmina standing fists clenched tight.
"Yaz?" Jake asked as he walked up towards his niece however she then slashed him on the chest. Jake fell to the ground hard in pain and the campers stared at Yasmina in shook. Jake's blood dripped from her Jaeger suits metallic fingers.
"Yaz what has gotten into you?" Brooklynn asked looking at her cousin who just silently activated her plasma chainsaw on her right arm.
Yasmina then ran at Brooklynn and kicked her down and she then smacked Kenji across the face with her left arm and Yasmina then slashed Darius on the leg with her hand and then pinned him down under her foot. "Yaz!" Sammy screamed trying to snap her friend out of her mindless state and Yasmina then activated the arm cannon and fired it at Sammy.
"No!" Darius yelled but Yasmina stomped on his chest however that's when Ben slammed hard into her using Striker eureka.
"I'll kill you for that!" Ben yelled as he swung his sting blades at Yasmina but she slashed him on the chestplate with her plasma chainsaw however a bolt of plasma hit her on the shoulder.
The crimson typhoon Jaeger suit walked up and fired another shot at Yasmina and she didn't know what to do. "You stay the hell away from my family!" Crimson roared in a familiar voice as the right arms separated and saw blades activated.
Yasmina charged towards Crimson typhoon but he punched her hard in the conn pod with his bulky left arm. Yasmina then fled but before firing her shoulder missiles at Crimson but he blocked with his arms as the buzzsaws deactivated and combined back together to make a perfect copy of the left arm.
"That's right you better run!" Crimson yelled sticking up the middle finger at Yasmina as she fled."Sketchy?" Jake asked and crimson deactivated the helmet and Sketchy stood there. His sandy brown hair messy but clean and his green eyes looked back at Jake.
"Hey." Sketchy said and the two hugged. "Now care to explain who that was?" Sketchy asked him and Jake sighed.
"That was Yasmina, she just out of nowhere attacked us." Jake said recounted the events that just transpired.
"Sammy stay with us! Please!" Kenji yelled as Sammy started to lose her colours. Ben fell to his knees and ripped off his helmet and looked at his friend.
"Sammy don't look into the light!" Ben yelled holding Sammy's hand in his as her eyes began to dim.
"We need Kix." Jake said as then a white and blue blur ran past them.
"Move out of the way so I can work." Kix said and the campers stood back as Kix then applied some bacta spray on the wound. Kix then applied bandages to the injury and Sammy then closed her eyes.
"No..." Ben said a tearing running down his cheek.
"She's alive, but in a coma." Kix said checking her pulse.
"I don't believe it." Jake said and Kix looked up at general.
"General." Kix said and Jake just smirked.
"I thought you were in cryo sleep." Jake said and Kix just shook his head.
"Sketchy woke me up by unplugging my cryo pod when he tripped over the cord." Kix said glaring at Sketchy who just looked away.

Dino Jurassic squad: heroes of humanity
Fanfic13 years after Jake had defeated Scourge, 10 years after Biosyn was defeated. The campers have grown up and are now entering adulthood, however their past seems to creep up on them as old and new enemies emerge. And the only thing that can stop the...