Sammy was startled from her sleep when her head hit the ground and she opened her eyes to see that there was no forest anymore, it was now a complete desert with no trees in sight. "What the...." Sammy said looking around. Yasmina then woke up and looked around as well noticing that the terrain was now a desert and she grabbed her helmet and put it on.
"It's like if the terrain changed as we were asleep." Yasmina muttered as her scanners only picked up that they were in a desert.
"Great just great." Ben grumbled as he slid down a nearby sandy hill. "I've got sand in the joints of my Jaeger suit." Ben said as he got up and shook some sand off his armour.
"I've got sand in my helmet." Yasmina said annoyed as she pulled off her helmet and dumped out a lot of sand out of her helmet as she flipped it over. Yasmina then brushed some sand out of her hair with her hands and then put her helmet back on.
"Have you seen Darius, Brooklynn, and Kenji?" Sammy asked getting up weakly and she nearly fell to the ground again but Yasmina helped her stand. "Yaz I'm fine." Sammy said gently but Yasmina then picked her up in her arms.
"No I'm carrying you." Yasmina said bluntly and Ben started to snicker but Yasmina flicked him on the visor.
The three began to walk with Ben in the lead however he then motioned for them to get down. A Tyrannosaurus rex then walked in front of them and it looked around sniffing the air looking for something. "It's a T-Rex." Ben said softly as he looked at the therapod but he knew it wasn't Rexy.
"Is it Rexy?" Sammy asked Ben who shook his head.
"Rexy died in 2025 of old age remember." Ben said denying that the Tyrannosaurus was Rexy. However he went silent as the Tyrannosaurus looked right in their direction.
"I think it sees us." Yasmina said looking at the apex predator as it then stomped towards them slowly growling.
"Shit." Ben said as the Tyrannosaurus roared and charged towards them however they heard a roar behind them.
Yasmina looked over her shoulder to see a Spinosaurus charging towards them and she grabbed Sammy and rolled out of the way as the two apex predators charged at each other.
The Spinosaurus swiped it's claws at the Tyrannosaurus but it dodged the arm and then clamped it's jaws onto the Spinosaurus's neck but the predator slashed it on the neck.
The Tyrannosaurus swung it's tail at the Spinosaurus and the Spinosaurus fell onto it's side and then roared in annoyance. However the Spinosaurus then kicked the Tyrannosaurus in the chest knocking it backwards. "Is it just me or is that Tyrannosaurus intelligent?" Ben asked as the Tyrannosaurus then kicked the Spinosaurus hard in the leg and the Spinosaurus clawed the Rex on the neck and then the right side of it's face.
"Yeah it is." Sammy said in agreement however the Spinosaurus then backed off making a hissing noise that sounded like that of a crocodile as it did so.
The Tyrannosaurus roared at the Spinosaurus and it walked off in defeat however the Tyrannosaurus then walked towards the three and they froze in place.
"Shit." Yasmina muttered as the Tyrannosaurus looked down at them it's eyes glowing a shade of orangish yellow.
The Tyrannosaurus then roared at them loudly and Yasmina put herself between Sammy and the Tyrannosaurus then fell silent. "Well do what your doing to to do!" Yasmina screamed up at the Tyrannosaurus rex.
The therapod looked down at Yasmina confused and it then produced a soft rumble from it's throat as it looked at her. "What is it doing?" Ben asked looking at the the Tyrannosaurus which then sniffed Yasmina.
"Is that...?" Yasmina asked trailing off as the Tyrannosaurus fell quiet and then Yasmina touched it on the nose. The Tyrannosaurus breathed in and out softly and Yasmina realized who this was. "Uncle Josh?" Yasmina asked softly and the Tyrannosaurus just growled softly in confirmation.
"That's Joshua? I thought he was dead." Ben stated as all reports said that Joshua had been killed during the war.
"Well Jake was thought to be dead as well but he's still alive so why can't Joshua." Sammy pointed out and Ben facepalmed.
"Can you shift back?" Yasmina asked but Joshua shook his head in sadness.
"If only Kix were here he would know how to fix this." Sammy said and Ben crossed his arms.
"Okay so we've encountered a Smilodon, a Spinosaurus, and then Joshua. What next? A fricking Megaraptor or Therizinosaurus?" Ben asked however a screech was heard. "Me and my big mouth." Ben muttered as he looked at the figure of a large therapod.
Dino Jurassic squad: heroes of humanity
Fanfiction13 years after Jake had defeated Scourge, 10 years after Biosyn was defeated. The campers have grown up and are now entering adulthood, however their past seems to creep up on them as old and new enemies emerge. And the only thing that can stop the...