13 years after Jake had defeated Scourge, 10 years after Biosyn was defeated. The campers have grown up and are now entering adulthood, however their past seems to creep up on them as old and new enemies emerge.
And the only thing that can stop the...
"Get Yasmina out of here. I'll deal with Scourge." Jake said after Scourge's fusion cannon shot hit Jake in the chest knocking him backwards and the two charged at each other. Jake swung his fists at Scourge while Scourge punched Jake hard in the gut. Jake sucker punched Scourge in the shoulder while Scourge jabbed his elbow into Jake's stomach.
"A sucker punch? Your stating to piss me off." Scourge growled as he and Jake threw hands.
"You were warned." Jake said as he struggled to hold Scourge back. Scourge however picked Jake up and threw him, Jake collided with a wall of ice and he stood up and charged towards Scourge however Scourge back handed Jake with his hand and knocked Jake off of his feet.
"I remember you being tougher." Scourge said grabbing Jake by the back of the head and he then threw Jake aside and he skidded across the snowy ground.
"Lola disengage the Jaeger suit from me, send it to Brooklynn." Jake said and the Jaeger suit separated from Jake revealing his new outfit as Scourge walked up.
"You've lost your battle mask." Scourge said darkly and he kicked Jake hard in the chest knocking him onto his side.
"Didn't need it." Jake muttered as Scourge picked him up by the throat and threw him again.
"But now you have made a terrible decision Olivo." Scourge growled as he slammed his foot down on Jake's chest. The others watched as Scourge was taking sport of Jake and Brooklynn looked at her father whilst wearing the Tacid Iacon Jaeger suit.
"So what if I have...?" Jake asked however that's when Scourge charged up his fusion cannon and fired it at Jake's chest. Brooklynn and everyone else's eyes widened in shock and Darius' jaw dropped.
Jake closed his eyes as he went limp and Scourge stood up. Smoke billowed from Jake's chest as he lay in the snow. "You put up a good fight Olivo, but it wasn't good enough." Scourge said as he turned to walk off, Jake however didn't lose any colour on his body.
"Should we kill his teammates?" A doctor asked and Scourge looked up at Brooklynn and the others.
"No. Let them grieve, besides we have work to do." Scourge said as he continued to walk the doctor following him. Brooklynn slid down the icy slope and she ran up to Jake.
"Is he...?" Ben asked trailing off however Kix put two fingers to Jake's neck and felt a weak pulse.
"No, but he's in a coma." Kix said pulling his hand away from Jake's neck.
"Ben send a flare up to signal for pickup. Sketchy and Brooklynn pick up Jake. And Joshua help them." Rex said giving orders to the group.
When the helicopter showed up Jake was loaded into the copter followed by the others and Rex entered last covering the others as the helicopter flew off.
Author note: Here's Jake's new design because ya know he didn't have a image to show his design.
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