Chapter twenty nine: new armour

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Ben woke up to the sound of Brooklynn screaming the words of "No! Don't leave me guys! Please!" Ben looked over at Brooklynn who was tossing and turning in the Queen sized bed and he walked over to her. Ben sighed softly to himself as he stepped out of the Jaeger suit and then shook Brooklynn awake and she leaped forward and hugged him tightly.

"Brooklynn it's okay, it was just a dream." Ben said softly as Brooklynn cried into his chest.

"I-I had a nightmare w-were you and the others abandoned m-me." Brooklynn said chocked up however Ben just rubbed her back comforting her.

Brooklynn gently lay back down on her bed however when Ben turned to go back into Striker eureka Brooklynn grabbed his hand. "Please stay." Brooklynn begged and Ben sighed and climbed in next to her.

"Crosshair keep watch." Ben told the Striker eureka Jaeger suit and the metal armour nodded and turned to face the door sting blades activated.

Brooklynn was basically latching onto Ben and he just turned so his back was facing her. In the morning Ben woke up first and gently pried Brooklynn off him and got up.

However that's when the ground under Ben started to shake and he got into the striker eureka Jaeger suit and ran out the door to go face the problem.

But instead he found a dark blue, white, and orange Jaeger suit with two hexagon shaped devices on it's shoulder pads.

"Hey what the hell is going on out here?!?" Ben nearly screamed and the Jaeger suit looked up at him

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"Hey what the hell is going on out here?!?" Ben nearly screamed and the Jaeger suit looked up at him.

"Sorry Ben we were just testing out the Jaeger suit we found." Darius' said as the took off the helmet of the Jaeger suit.

"Well did you at least give it a name?" Ben asked and Darius rubbed the back of his head.

"Uuuuhhh. No?" Darius said with a hint of unsureness in his voice and Ben facepalmed.

"Well I was thinking of soundwave maximize." Kenji said and Darius groaned in annoyance.

"Well I was thinking of calling it Marauder Oblivion, since it nearly sent me to oblivion with those soundwave generators." Yasmina said in the saber Athena Jaeger getting up from the crumbled remains of a wall.

"That sounds better." Ben said and Yasmina would've had a smug look on her face if her face was visible while Kenji crossed his arms in annoyance.

"It's see what else this thing can do." Darius said and that's when twin jets or flame emerged from the sides of Jaeger suit's reactor core and the campers jumped back from Darius.

He then deactivated the flamethrowers. "Okay we now know that this thing has flamethrowers." Kenji said coming out from the stone wall he was hiding behind.

"Let's see what else this thing can do, but first everyone get to cover." Ben said and he dove in behind the same rock wall as Kenji.

Darius then suddenly leaped up to the height of an average fully grown Brachiosaurus and then landed down on his feet. "Well that's impressive." Yasmina said looking at Darius as he nearly fell backwards.

However he caught himself and looked at the metallic tow toed feet of Marauder Oblivion. "Stabilizers for high jumps plus agility, balances out the weapons." Darius said as he then deactivated the soundwave generators.

"What are you five trying to do?" Brooklynn asked walking up in her pyjamas and Ben walked up to her.

"You should be inside." Ben said to her and Brooklynn crossed her arms and had a cocky smile on her face.

"Why should I be strikeout?" Brooklynn asked and Ben then silently pointed at the small pile of snow nearby.

"Does that answer your question?" Ben asked and Brooklynn sighed in defeat and Ben marched her back inside of Derek's house. "Now stay in bed." Ben ordered and Brooklynn groaned softly as she climbed into bed and sat there arms crossed.

"Why do I feel like this is your revenge on me for when I left." Brooklynn asked and Ben just shrugged as he closed the door and then left. Meanwhile Sketchy looked at Jake however that's when his cousin's eyes snapped open.

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