chapter forty: Tokyo battle part one

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"Marshal we don't have enough jaeger suits to deal with the three making their way to Tokyo." Nathan said his head wrapped in bandages as the computer systems showed markers of the jaeger suits deployed around the world.

"We have enough." Jake said and everyone looked at him confused and then realized what he meant. Soon on the tarmac Kenji, Yasmina, Sammy, Darius, and Brooklynn stood in their armours with their helmets in their hands. Soon Jake and Ben walked in front of them also geared up however Yasmina noticed a backpack unit on Striker's back.

 Soon Jake and Ben walked in front of them also geared up however Yasmina noticed a backpack unit on Striker's back

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Ben looked at Jake and nodded softly and Jake looked at the cadets. "If my dad was here he would probably give a big speech, make you feel unstoppable. But I'm not my father. Nore am I trying to be him..." Jake said pausing for a moment. "We remember the pilots that fell in combat against the monsters that were at our door." Jake said continuing and he paced in front of the group of five as he spoke. 

"It doesn't matter who your parents are. Where you came from. Who believed in you and who didn't. We are a family now. This our time, this is our chance to make a difference. Now let's mount up and get it down!" Jake said as he put on Tacid Iacon's helmet.

"Jaeger suit pilots do you understand?!" Ben asked and he heard his friends yell at the same time. 

"Yes sir!" Ben looked at Jake who just motioned for him to continue talking.

"Now let's get it done!" Ben exclaimed and he put on his helmet the others following suite and soon jetpacks were attached to the backs of the jaeger suits. 

"Jaeger suit sound off no or no go." Ben said over the comm channel.

"Tacid Iacon ready to go" Jake said in reply.

"November Ajax, go." Kenji followed up after Jake was finished.

"Saber Athena ready to launch." Brooklynn exclaimed.

"Cherno alpha ready." Sammy said in the hefty Russian mark one.

"Marauder Oblivion ready." Darius spoke.

"Obsidian fury. Let's do this already." Yasmina finished.

"Copy that. Command this is Striker Eureka, we are go for launch." Ben said to command and soon the countdown began and when it hit zero the jaeger suits flew off into the sky and towards Tokyo. 

Scourge watched the news feed from his cell and he smirked in happiness seeing his old friend using a jaeger suit again. Meanwhile in Tokyo civilians ran towards the shelters as an Indominus rex charged down the streets of Tokyo destroying buildings as it went. A larger then normal Diablovenator leaped from roof top to roof top as it went. 

However a massive Therizinosaurus, Amargasaurus, and mole hybrid burst from the ground and let out a loud screech as a group of teenagers ran past. The Indominus rex roared as however the three hybrids looked up to see the seven jaeger suits drop down a good distance away rocket boosters falling off them as they landed.

Tacid Iacon landed first, then followed by November Ajax, Saber Athena then landed gracefully on it's feet, Obsidian fury then landed as well Cherno alpha following suite, finally Striker eureka slid onto the scene and stood up while Marauder Oblivion landed last on it's feet. "Tacid to command. Targets acquired." Jake said over the comm unit and Marshal Levine's voice cam over the comm channel.

"Roger that, all civilians are now secured in underground shelters. You are clear to engage." Marshal Levine said.

"Solid copy." Jake said and then followed it up with. "Cherno alpha and November Ajax on me, we'll deal with the Indominus. Obsidian fury and Striker eureka you take the Amargozinosaurus. Marauder and Saber you take the Diablovenator ." Jake said and then said. "On my mark. Mark!" The seven jaeger suits then charged towards the hybrids.

Brooklynn activated her twin blades and slashed the Diablovenator on the chest as it leaped from a building at her. Brooklynn then kicked it in the face while Darius kicked it from behind. 

Jake glanced at the Diablovenator as he then swung his fist at the Indominus and it connected with it's nose. However the therapod then smacked Tacid away with it's hand and Jake flew over Sammy who ducked to avoid him. 

Sammy then used the Tesla fists on the Indominus but it smacked her away just as kenji jumped onto it's back and shocked it. Yasmina charged towards the Amargozinosaurus firing her arm cannons but the Diablovenator's tail tripped her. 

Jake fired his plasma caster at the buildings as they fell onto the Indominus but all it did was slow it down. The Diablovenator then attempted to leap at Jake but Brooklynn kicked it hard in the face. Brooklynn was then hit by multiple spins coming from the Amargozinosaurus and was then pushed backwards by the Diablovenator which was snapping it's jaws at her. "Hey guys I need some help here! Like right now!" Brooklynn exclaimed trying to push the Diablovenator backwards. 

"On it Brook!" Ben exclaimed then kicked the Diablovenator hard knocking it off Brooklynn and then sent it flying with his arms. Ben watched as the hybrid fled and he then looked over to watch as Marauder Oblivion, November Ajax, and Tacid Iacon dueled the Indominus while Cherno and Obsidian were fighting the Amargozinosaurus. 

However the two opposing sides backed away from each other just as several small drones swarmed around the hybrids and fused them together creating one large hybrid. "Well he's big." Jake said looking up at the twenty seven foot tall hybrid as it loomed over all seven jaeger suits.


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