chapter thirty seven: relocation

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Brooklynn looked at her egg when they got back and she was incredibly unimpressed by it. "Will my kid be a dinosaur because I technically laid the egg in my suchomimus form?" Brooklynn asked Jake who wasn't sure of it.

"Maybe. But I really don't know." Jake said however Kenji called him over to his office. When he arrived into Kenji's office he was greeted by the sight of multiple United Nations representatives.

"Mr. olivo, I see your back into fighting shape again." One said and Jake just nodded and stood next to Kenji who was wearing a grey suit.

"Sorry if I sound rude when I say this senators. But may I ask why we're gathered here today?" Jake asked and one of the senators said.

"Because we are here to question the usefulness of the Jaeger suit program." Jake looked at Kenji surprised and he shrugged at the leader of the dino squad.

"Go right ahead and begin." Jake said and that's when footage showed the destroyed remains of a Guardian bravo Jaeger suit that was white and a gunmetal blue but was also missing it's head.

"Ever since the fourth wave of hybrids have emerged we have been losing Jaeger suits faster then we can build them." The senator said and that's when it showed footage of the destroyed remains of Ion Storm. The coyote tango like Jaeger suit was missing it's arm, right back mounted Tesla cannon, and had a large hole in it's conn pod.

"And we are also losing pilots along with their armours just as much." Another senator said as it then showed footage of the destroyed Bracer Phoenix along with many others.

"If I may something Senators." Jake said and they gave him permission to speak. "Those Jaeger suits for the most part took the hybrids to the grave with them." Jake said and a few nodded in agreement and Jake went silent to let the senators continue.

"We are not discontinuing the program what we will soon deploy drone Jaeger suits with your current ones to help even out the fight." A senator said and an image of a Jaeger suit appeared on the screen.

" A senator said and an image of a Jaeger suit appeared on the screen

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Jake looked at Kenji and then back at the screen. "However we are relocating all Jaeger suits to the Moyulan shatterdome in China." A senator then said and Jake nodded understanding. That's when the senators disconnected from the call.

"So that's it?" Kenji asked and Jake looked at him and then said.

"I guess we go where they want us to go." Jake said and he then walked out Kenji following him. Soon the group packed their things and Brooklynn watched as her egg was put into an incubator case and loaded onto a transport.

"So we're getting relocated to the last shatterdome in China?" Brooklynn asked Jake who just nodded silently as he watched Tacid Iacon, Saber Athena, Titan redeemer, and Romeo blue were airlifted away and towards the Moyulan Shatterdome.

"I know you probably won't like it but it's not that bad, you did say once you wanted to go to China." Jake said and Brooklynn sighed in annoyance as Jake boarded the Pelican transport that Hawk was piloting.

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