Chapter fifty seven: healing

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When Ben woke up in the medical bay two days later he looked at Yasmina who was asleep in the chair and was holding his hand. He then decided to rub her hand softly with his thumb. Yaz's eyes fluttered open and she looked at Ben and he smiled softly at her. "Hey." He said simply and Ben could see tears in Yasmina's eyes.

"Don't ever do that to me again." She threatened halfheartedly as she hugged him tightly but gently ag the same time trying not to hurt him.

After Kix ran a diagnostics check on Ben Yasmina helped him get into his wheelchair. "Now I really wanna go see this 'Stormer eureka'." Ben said and Yasmina wheeled him down to the Jaeger suit hanger bay and towards Stormer Eureka's hanger bay.

They passed by Striker's hanger bay and Ben looked at the mark V as the J-tech were replacing the armour plating completely. He looked away sadly as Yasmina wheeled him up to Stormer Eureka's hanger bay.

Ben looked at Stormers blue visor as it shone brightly as the sunlight reflected off of it. Ben noticed that the mark V stood the same height as Striker but without the back unit. "I wonder what type of metal makes up it's hull?" Ben asked curiously.

"A titanium and iron alloy to be exact." Kenji said as he walked up towards the two and Ben smirked at his old friend.

"So the same stuff that makes up Crimson typhoon and Hellfire maverick?" Ben asked and Kenji nodded.

Hellfire maverick was a mark II Australian Jaeger suit that had gone rogue in 2023 and had been destroyed by the combined might of Nova Hyperion, Challenger Rex, and Defender gamma. "Yep pretty much." Kenji said as he looked at Stormer eureka as the finally repairs were being applied to it.

Ben however remembered a dream he had were he and the others were engulfed in a bright flash and he was back to being fourteen years old again but with his scars from his time in battle against the hybrids.

Ben just shrugged it off as being just simply a dream. "Well it was nice talking to you Kenji, we've got to get back to the medical bay before Kix throws a fit." Yasmina said and Kenji chuckled.

"You're afraid of doctors now Fadoula? Your father would be disappointed." Yasmina rolled her eyes softly while Ben snickered softly.

"He threatened me with a foot long needle Kenji." Yasmina joked halfheartedly and Kenji shook his head in disappointment.

"You afraid of needles?" Ben asked as Yasmina wheeled him away back to the medical bay.

"He did." Yasmina protested and Ben just sighed in annoyance.

"You're a wuss sometimes you know that?" Ben said and Yasmina rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"And your sometimes a jerk." She teased and Ben replied with.

"At least I'm not like I used to be when I was fourteen after I beat Toro once." Yasmina nodded in agreement.

"I remember getting so mad at you for that, had I'd known how to shapeshift I would've chased you up into a tree." Yasmina said and Ben then said.

"Remember when you were an introvert?" Yasmina remembered those memories as if they were as clear as day.

"Yeah but at least we weren't like Brooklynn who was obsessed with her phone when she first came to Nublar." Yasmina said and she thought she heard Brooklynn say something but she didn't catch it.

"Hey Brooklanders or something like that was her catch phrase." Ben said jokingly and that's when he heard Brooklynn say.

"Did I really sound like that when I was thirteen?" The two looked at her and noticed that her hair was a mess and she looked like she had not gotten proper sleep for days.

"To us? Yes." Ben said and Brooklynn facepalmed in response.

"No offence but you look like you haven't slept well for days." Yasmina said and Brooklynn sighed in response.

"You try being pregnant and trying to sleep at the same time." She said and Yasmina shivered slightly at the thought.

"Just try to sleep? You look like a bloody raccoon." Yasmina said and Brooklynn raised and eyebrow at her and walked off as Ben was returned to the medical bay and Yasmina then left.

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