chapter thirty six: victorious part three

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Scourge sat patiently as medical personnel worked hard to patch up his injuries. Jake however looked sympathetically at the Giganotosaurus and he just then closed his eyes to get some sleep however Jake heard the muffled cheers of the crowd along with roars of dinosaurs. However when Jake woke up he was back in his cage and he yawned and then looked down at a medium sized chunk of meat on the floor and he ate it. Jake however then watched as Brooklynn and Sammy were taken out of their cages and Jake lowered his head in sadness knowing they were going to fight next.

Brooklynn walked off the elevator and into the ring with Sammy following suite and the two looked at each other however that's when the drones herded them in together. Brooklynn's instincts then took control and she lunged at Sammy clamping her jaws onto Sammy's frill.

Sammy would've screamed in agony had she been in her human form and she tried to make Brooklynn let go without hurting her but she couldn't. Brooklynn then placed her foot on the side of Sammy's chest and pushed her.

Sammy skidded back and shook her head and then charged at Brooklynn as she roared. Sammy then threw Brooklynn onto the ground however tears were running down Sammy's face as she looked at her friend.

However Brooklynn then kicked her in the face twice as she tried to get up and when she finally did she slammed the side of her head into Sammy's shoulder knocking her back.

Sammy charged at Brooklynn and threw her over her head. Brooklynn landed with a heavy thud on the ground and she got back onto her feet and roared.

Kenji and Darius watched breathless as theirs friends fought. Darius looked away as Sammy let out a bellow in pain after Brooklynn slashed her on the thigh with her knife like claws.

Despite Brooklynn being pregnant she could still fight and Sammy knew this as well. Switching from offensive to defensive Sammy snorted as when Brooklynn lunged at her neck she smacked her on the neck with the side of her frill.

Brooklynn fell to the ground and weakly lifted her head but then she fell unconscious and Sammy didn't know how to respond. Half of her wanted to check up on Brooklynn while the other half just wanted to get out of the arena. However Sammy looked at Brooklynn's claws which had her blood on them.

After the fight Sammy was taken into the infirmary to get her injuries patched up but she knew that some of them will never disappear fully. However at random Sammy realized that Suchomimus' lay eggs in clutches that ranged from one- three and she got the image of Brooklynn having to take care of baby dinosaurs in her Suchomimus form.

Sammy snickered to herself however went quiet as Mae turner walked in urgently and asked. "What do you mean by the Suchomimus is pregnant?" Mae asked a doctor.

"She is Dr. Turner." The doctor said and Sammy looked worriedly at Brooklynn who was still unconscious.

"Is she due to lay her eggs?" Mae asked but the doctor shook his head. Sammy however was more focused on the fact that she nearly killed Brooklynn's unborn child in the fight. Sammy then rested her head on the ground and continued to cry silently as she was patched up and then returned to her cage.

Everyone looked at her like she had just murdered somebody as they noticed that Brooklynn wasn't with her. 'Did you kill her?' Ben asked unsure and Sammy just said in reply.

'No. But she's now being confined to the infirmary until her child is born.' Sammy said a tone of sadness in her telepathic voice. However a loud ear splitting roar echoed through the holding cages that almost sounded like a human.

'Is she going to...?' Ben asked trailing off but was met with the sound of something trying to break out of it's cage. Jake burst from his cage the cage doors falling to the ground and he roared and charged off however he smashed the controls to the other cages.

The dinosaurs didn't care if someone was a carnivore or a herbivore and they followed Jake down the halls. Kash heard the sound of the dinosaurs stampeding and he dropped his briefcase and hid under a car as the dinosaurs fled.

A Pachyrhinosaurus smashed the front of the car in as it ran and a Shunosaurus nearly sent the car flying as it galloped past. A Dilophosaurus jumped over the car as it rand, after the stampede had passed Kash emerged from what remained of the car and picked up his briefcase.

Toro was sneaking up behind him when Big eatie clamped her jaws onto Kash before he could even scream and Toro got only his leg. Big eatie smacked the leg out of Toro's mouth and the Carnotaurus fled the scene as Big eatie roared and then smashed the briefcase under her foot as she then left.

Jake smashed open the large gate of the infirmary with his head and roared looking for his daughter. Scientists fled as Jake just wanted to scare them off so he just stomped the ground. Mae however wasn't even phased by the Acrocanthosaurus and she watched as Jake nudged Brooklynn with his head.

Brooklynn looked up weakly at Jake however she tried to get up she felt a sharp pain in her chest and she lay back on the floor. 'What did you do to her?!?' Jake asked Mae loud and clear.

"I didn't do anything..." Mae said intimidated of the Acrocanthosaurus as it's lips curled into a snarl. "All we were doing was rapidly finishing her pregnancy." Mae explained and Jake just reared up in a position to bite down on her.

Mae fell to the ground knowing what was about to happen and she covered her eyes. However Jake then roared in her face and then walked over to Brooklynn who just lay in pain on the ground.

Sammy and Yasmina then showed up and shooed Jake out of the infirmary. Jake looked at Brooklynn who's face just read "I'll be fine".

When he got out the gates closed Jake heard Brooklynn cry out in pain however it soon stopped and Sammy opened the gate. Jake walked inside to see a dinosaur egg in a small makeshift nest and he looked at Brooklynn who got up weakly with Yasmina supporting her. Jake then shifted into his human form as his communicator buzzed. "Hey J-man you might want to come see this." Kenji's voice came out of the speaker and Jake ran off to go see what was the matter and he came to a helipad.

Kenji was standing facing his father while multiple purge troopers stood behind him and Jake looked at the commander who stood patiently as Jake walked up next to Kenji. "Jake Olivo, it's good to finally meet you." Daniel Kon said and Jake glared at him.

"Daniel Kon, I thought someone like you wouldn't be supporting fights like this." Jake said crossing his arms.

"It was all Kash's idea to start the fights. But since you released all the dinosaurs and Kash is dead you can consider the fights over." Daniel said and he climbed into his helicopter with the purge trooper commander following along with the other three purge troopers.

Jake had to hold Kenji back as the helicopter took off into the sky and flew off into the distance. "Kenji enough." Jake said channeling his leader voice and Kenji stopped trying to escape his grasp. "We'll get another shot at them, but now we need to focus on the task at hand," Jake said and Kenji just sighed in defeat and the two walked back to the others.

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