Chapter fifteen: contained

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Yasmina's eyes snapped open to the sound of medical machines and she tried to lift her arm but it was unresponsive. Yasmina looked at her arm and noticed that it was strapped down with thick Iron chains. "The Subject is awake." A robotic voice said as Yasmina then attempted to break free of the chains.

"Do I look like a test subject to you?" Yasmna asked however she then looked over at a screen and her eyes widened in shock. On the screen read as clear as day "subject as an aggressive and dangerous split personality, split personality has now been fused with original personality."

Yasmina then looked at her hands as she noticed the blood stains on the clawed tips of Obsidian fury and she then just said "No." to herself softly as her sensors identified it as being Jake's blood.

Yasmina then started to thrash around on the bed uncontrollably and she let out a loud scream as she then broke the chains binding down her left arm and she was about to break the other chains but an electric current ripped through her system and she collapsed back down onto the berth unconscious.

Meanwhile a few hours later Brooklynn jumped over a ledge between two cliffs as a Smilodon followed closely behind and Brooklynn looked over her shoulder as the Sabre toothed cat chased after her. "I can't out run it, I can't fight it, and I can't out climb it so what do I do?" Brooklynn asked herself as she remembered how she tried to shapeshift to fight it but she couldn't.

Brooklynn was then tackled by the Smilodon as it opened it's jaws and got ready to bite down on her neck but that's when a black blur collided with the cat. "Get off her." Yasmina snarled and the Smilodon roared at her.

Yasmina then sounded the fog horn and the Smilodon then ran off scared. Yasmina then offered her hand to Brooklynn but she smacked it way. "Don't touch me." Brooklynn snarled getting up on her own and brushing off her clothes which looked the ones she wore when they were stranded on Nublar.

"What did I do?" Yasmina asked confused and Brooklynn just put a figure to Yasmina's chest.

"You know exactly what you did." Brooklynn growled and Yasmina just cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Brooklynn all I know is that I've got Jake's blood on my hands and my head feels like it got split open." Yasmina said showing Brooklynn her hand.

"Yeah because you slashed him with that hand." Brooklynn snarled and Yasmina took a step backwards in fear.

"Look if I did something I don't remember it." Yasmina said getting eye level with Brooklynn.

"Well then you expect me to forgive you just like that?" Brooklynn asked harshly and Yasmina then said.

"Considering that I just saved you from a Sabre toothed cat. Yes." Yasmina said crossing her arms as the bushes rustled and Yasmina turned to face the bushes expecting the Smilodon to emerge but instead the others came out.

"Yaz." Ben said harshly looking at Yasmina and she looked at Ben.

"Where's your weapons?" She asked at random and Ben sighed.

"They looked my weapons, they probably did the same for you." Ben said and Yasmina attempted to activate her plasma chainsaws but they refused to activate.

"Yeah they locked the weapons." Yasmina said however the signal jammers on her back were still able to be used. "Except for my signal jammers." Yasmina then said and Brooklynn then walked up next to Yaz and hugged her on the arm.

"I thought you hated me." Yasmina said and Brooklynn then said in reply.

"I changed my mind." Yasmina then hugged her younger cousin back as the Smilodon reappeared.

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