Not an update:(

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Okay, so I know you guys are dying for an update right now and I promise, I wanna keep writing for this book right now, maybe I'll think of something just to give ya'll something, I'm not 100% yet. But I just wanna know something...

When ya'll are reading my story(ies) does it show any advertisements/paid plan things? Like you have to pay before you read any of my stories? I hope not, because I don't want anyone having to pay money just to read my stories. Lately, I've been seeing a lot of writers literally quitting WP because people are getting mad that they have to pay to read or there's advertisements or because WP is shitting at their job at protecting their writers, etc. Which, I do know there are advertisements because I'll skim through my own stories and I'm paused on reading cause of an ad, which I think is ridiculous because it's my OWN story, so why do I have ads on my own work, like tf?

I don't know if there are any other writers like me, but I personally do not enter any of WP contests or anything, I get a lot of invitations or whatever you wanna call them because supposedly my stories are good enough to get into the contest and however it works- I don't know if every writer is invited or what, I just know I get a lot of invitations and stuff, but that's not the point- irrelevant- but I don't enter them because I just kinda don't care? I just write because I love writing and I love to make other people happy- even though I think my writing isn't all that great. I don't get any 1M reads or anything, although that would be amazingly awesome. But still, I don't enter contests, as far as I know, my books or maybe my account isn't set up to make people pay to read my books. So, if anybody has any issue with that, please let me know because I do not want anyone forced to not be able to read my books because you have to pay fuck ass money. Hell no, fuck outta here with that bs WP.

Also, I would really like to take the time to thank you guys for being really nice in the comments. Ive been seeing that some readers send writers literal death threats because the story isn't going their way. I really appreciate that you all enjoy my books and you're contempt with how my writings go. I haven't seen any rude comments, only times when a character makes a stupid mistake or I mess something up and it confuses some people or something, which by the way, once this book is finished, I'm planning to fix any grammar, just fix anything in general to make sure it all makes sense and stuff, you know? But, still, I'm glad you all really enjoy my book(s) and that your comments make my day because some of ya'll are hilarious as hell.

So, if any of you guys ever happen to read other people's stories, keep that same energy you all have in my comments. The world is already shit, no need to make it worse by sending death threats to a person who enjoys doing what they do.

I hope you guys are doing okay, not because you're waiting for me to update, but just living life okay and stuff. I'm gonna try to think of something that'll work with S11 storyline. I don't wanna add something in my story where it'll knock off S11 storyline and stuff, that'll be hell to fix lol.

But thank you guys for being patient! I really appreciate it!:)

See you soon<3

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