•Chapter Six•

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Season 1

Bobbie's Point of View:

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

Shane leads me back to camp and we walk into the R.V., cleaning up the blood. Dale enters the R.V. and he stares at my bloodied and bruised face.

"You fought Ed, Bobbie?" Dale asks and I nod my head.

"Went after his wife, she went after Ed." Shane explains.

"Wow. That's...That's pretty damn heroic." Dale slightly smiles.

"Pretty damn stupid is what it is." Shane shakes his head. "If I wasn't there, he could've killed you."

"Yeah. But Bobbie went up against him herself. She's got more balls than any other girl around here. I call that heroic and badass." Dale defends.

"Call it what you want, Dale. Heroic, honor, loyalty, badass. It was still stupid of you to jump him like that." Shane says. I sigh as he dabs a towel drenched in cleaning alcohol on the open cuts.

"Good news is, you don't need any stitches. Bad news is, you'll be looking bad for a while." Shane says. I lightly smile and nod my head. Battle wounds, man. Did you really fight a grown man without getting cuts and bruises?

"How is she?" Jacqui enters the R.V.

"She'll be fine." Shane informs her.

"She's awesome." Dale smiles, causing me to smile even more.

"She seems awesome. I don't know anyone that would've smiled after taking a beating like that. I know I wouldn't." Jacqui chuckles. My shoulders bounce of my silenced laughs.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much at all, honestly." Jacqui continues.

"How's Carol?" I ask. I still think it was stupid of her to crawl back to Ed's arms after he had hit her. It just shows how many times she's done that behind the walls of her home. But I guess it shows how much somebody loves someone, even if they hurt you over a hundred times.

"She's okay. She's sitting with Sophia." Jacqui responds. I nod my head.

It's later. We're all surrounding the fire, passing around the fish Amy and Andrea caught down at the quarry. There was some talk about Jim digging holes and nobody knows why. He said he couldn't remember, something about him having a dream and he couldn't remember about. I rested after taking a beating by Ed. I got tired mostly from hitting my head on the rocks. Shane woke me up and checked on me to make sure I didn't have a concussion. Then he told me dinner was ready.

I kept wondering how the bag and Merle retrieval was going. Did did they make it? Did they find Merle? Did they secure the bag? I wish I could simply text them and ask how it's going, checking up on them. Having no communication is hard. You can't pick up the phone and call. You have to wait an agonizing time and wait and see what we get. I also seemed to have worried for Daryl. I was hoping he'd find his brother. But I was also scared he wouldn't make it back and I don't even know why. I barely know the guy and yet, I'm worried more for Daryl than the rest of the group out there?

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