•Chapter Fifty Four•

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Season 4

Bobbie's Point of View:

Allison follows close behind me as I make my way back to the camp fire. On my way back, I picked up my flashlight and used it to find our way back. Allison continued to run her mouth behind me but I didn't pay any attention to her. I was too pissed off at her. Who the hell does that? I mean...how stupid do you have to be to pull some shit like that? Jesus.

"I knew you'd come running. I just knew you would, Bobbie. I'm actually happy that my plan worked!" Allison cheers. I sigh out in frustration and as I throw down the light and spin around to look at Allison.

"No, Allison! It wasn't a good plan! It was a stupid plan! Do you know how stupid and dangerous that is?! Walkers could've heard you, anybody could've heard you. And you had the idiocy to-"

"You know, I...I can see your mouth moving, but I just don't understand." She chuckles. My blood boils in my body and I found myself lunging at Allison, pushing her back. She trips over a branch and falls back. She quickly stands up and pulls out her knife. She wasn't smiling anymore, she wasn't laughing, not a single good mood was plastered on her face. She was angry, pissed off. She suddenly swings her knife at me and I jump back, dodging each swing she threw at me. She swings again but I quickly grab her wrist and bend it backwards to the point where she lets out a shout and drops the knife. I spin her around, and bend her elbow behind her back, pushing her arm upwards. She throws her head back and knocks me in the face. I pull myself away and she kicks me in the stomach. I fall back and look up in her eyes. She suddenly pulls her gun out. I quickly pick up my bow, load an arrow and spin around on my knees, pointing my arrow right behind me. Allison points her light up and we both see a man standing behind us.

"Holy shit. Wow. You guys. You're alive!" Sebastian smiles.

"Who are you?" Allison asks. Sebastian looks down at me and he helps me up, wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh, my god, Bobbie. I didn't think I'd ever see you again." He says.

"Bobbie, who is this?" Allison asks. Sebastian breaks the hug and looks at Allison.

"I'm Sebastian. I'm Bobbie's-"

"Boyfriend? You two don't look alike to be siblings. Besides, mom and dad never had a boy." Allison folds her arms. Sebastian falls confused and looks at me.

"She's your sister?" He asks.



Allison and I say in unison. But it only makes Sebastian even more confused.

"Okay. Are you siblings or not?" He asks. I shake my head at him.

"We've got the same parents, but she doesn't want to claim me as her sister. She's my sister, but not my sister." Allison explains. I roll my eyes at her and pick up my flashlight. I turn back and tap Sebastian's arm.

"Did everyone make out okay?" I ask him.

"From what I saw, I think so. We beat the Governor and his people. But they destroyed our home." He says.

Muted // A Daryl Dixon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now