1. Prologue

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"Jiminie hyung, let's go, let's go, let's go, are you ready?!?!" Jeongguk yelled, banging Jimin's door open and barging in.

"Ggukie, I'm naked, wait, wait, don't-uff!! I told you a thousand times not to barge in when I'm getting ready!!" Jimin squeaked, scrambling to grab something to cover himself.

Jeongguk didn't look the least bothered by the fact that Jimin was naked. Just the fact that he wasn't ready yet.

"We need to go!! The fanmeet starts at five and we have to be seated on our seats by four and you are delaying it, and I'll be late to the fanmeet and it'll be all because of you!! I'll make sure to tell Eomma and your mom about it and make sure they scol-"

"Okay, okay, uff, I'm coming, I'm done, don't eat my head, it's literally three right now," Jimin rambled as he brushed his hair back with his little comb.

"Yes!! And we are getting late!! I told you to get ready by three!! Now let's go!!" Jeongguk whined, his face turning all red as he bounced on the bed in frustration.

It was his favourite singer's fanmeet and he had gotten the tickets to it for the first time in his life and he couldn't believe Jimin thought it would be okay to be lethargic at the moment.

He simply wanted to dash out of the flat and sprint all the way to the venue. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn't do that and that he had to depend on Jimin to drive him there. He did not have a driver's license yet.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm done. Last one," Jimin promised and changed his earring before speeding out of the flat, knowing Jeongguk would kill him on the spot if he dared to delay even for a minute more.

They reached the venue by four and Jimin thankfully got spared from another frustrated lecture by Jeongguk.

Kim Taehyung, the idol that Jeongguk was dying to see from up close, walked onto the stage right on time and they suddenly couldn't keep track of the time anymore.

It just flew by.

It was the kind of fanmeet where the idol would just perform and then interact with the fans from the small stage itself. Not the one where each fan could go up and meet him personally.

Jeongguk, however, was glad that he was right behind the rope that seperated the small audience from the small stage. He would at least get to see him from up close.

But never in his dreams had he expected to get a handshake from the person on the stage.

It all happened in a matter of seconds. One second he was howling as loud as he could, cheering and yelling the lyrics of the song that Taehyung was singing, and the next second, Taehyung swept in and gave him a quick handshake.

Just him.

But he was too busy processing it to notice the fact that he was the only one who had gotten a handshake.

With his hand held up in front of his face, he sat down right there with a thump, freezing out of shock of having his idol touch his hand.

"H-He touched......Jiminie hyung....he....he touched my hand...."

He didn't notice that Taehyung had stopped singing either. "Are you okay, sir?" a deep voice asked in worry, but Jeongguk was too deep into his shock to recognize that voice.

All he could see was that a hot veiny hand was coming closer and trying to touch the hand that Taehyung had touched.

He hit the incoming hand hard and swatted it away. "Don't touch my hand!!" he exclaimed angrily without looking away from his own hand.

"Oh no, I shouldn't have shaken your hand, I'm so sorry, sir, I'm really very sorry," the man said and it was then that Jeongguk finally registered that familiar voice.

With horrified eyes, Jeongguk looked up at the man that was talking to him from the other side of the rope with worry dripping in his features. 

Did he just hit the man that he would literally die for?

Panic overtaking his organs, he shot up to his legs and grabbed Taehyung's arm and began to rub the red area frantically, beginning to rap in top speed already.

"Oh my....oh my god, I can't believe I actually hit you, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I have to just chop my hand off-"

A small chuckle cut him off, making him look up at his idol, who was smiling amusedly at him.

"You were cute just now," Taehyung said and there went Jeongguk's heart again, trying to see if it could live better outside Jeongguk's body rather than inside it.

He let go of Taehyung's arm as if it burned him, and looked at Jimin, who was looking at him with an amused smirk. It wasn't daily that he got the chance of getting called cute by his idol, after all.

The fanmeet continued normally after that, except for the amused looks that Taehyung kept throwing at him from time to time.

That night, he received a mail from the last person he ever thought he would receive a mail from.

Kim Taehyung.


Hello guys :))
Welcome to my twelfth book :D


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