35. Rescue mission

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Jimin was busy drinking coffee in the break room along with his girlfriend when his girlfriend received a call from the security guard of the apartment she lived in. 

The more she talked to the guard, the more it made Jimin frown. By the end of the call, he realized that something was wrong in Taehyung's house. Something was wrong with either Taehyung or Jeongguk. 

"The guard called me to ask me if I had the spare key of Taehyung's house," Jeongyeon said after hanging up. She threw her coffee and abandoned her cup and rushed to their cubicle. Jimin ran behind her, bewildered by her behaviour and the information she had just given him. 

"Why?!" he asked. "First log out and follow me. We need to leave right away. Apparently, people under our floor called the guard after hearing screams from Taehyung's house," she explained while logging out of her own computer. 

"Ggukie?" Jimin asked with a frown. As far as he remembered, Taehyung had informed everyone on the top and bottom floors of their apartment about Jeongguk's autism and the loud and violent meltdowns that he had and had apologized to all of them for the disturbance already. 

But they still complained? He didn't understand.

"No. Apparently, it didn't sound like Jeongguk to them. And apparently, those screams sounded terrified and painful. A few of them are standing outside the house, but they don't wanna try breaking the door down just in case the person inside gets more harmed. They called the cops just in case," Jeongyeon explained while the two of them walked towards their boss's cabinet to apply for an emergency leave. 

"Oh my god," Jimin's eyes widened as he thought of what might have happened. He called Jihyo, just in case she knew something, and he got his answer from her right away, making him bolt into his boss's room. 

"I know what's happening," he panted as he sprinted to the parking lot of the company along with his girlfriend. His speed knew no bounds as he flew down the road, ignoring every single traffic rule that existed in human history. 

They reached the apartment in record time, and he couldn't stand still enough to wait for the elevator. Instead, he took the stairs, leaping three at a time as he ran. Jeongyeon took the elevator instead and arrived at the floor a few seconds after her boyfriend, who was now at Taehyung's manager's collar.

"What are you doing here?! I heard you were fired!! You stalked him all these months!!" Jimin exclaimed, his eyes spitting fire at Dae Shin. 

"I know!! I know, I know, but I genuinely thought it was Taehyung's fault!! Seojoon-ssi made me access the older years' CCTV footages from the vocal training rooms after today's argument and I saw what happened!! I regret believing Bogum just because he was my best friend!!" Dae Shin exclaimed, and Jimin slowly let go of his collar, flinching when another round of screams started from inside the house, muffled by the door and the distance between them and the screamer. 

"I know you can't trust me right now, but it's true. I regret it really bad and the least I can do for him after destroying his life so badly is saving him from that monster," Dae Shin explained. 

Jimin took a deep breath. He didn't understand what Dae Shin meant by 'today's argument', but he knew he didn't have the time to sit back and clarify his thoughts. He first had to save his best friend. He just had to blindly trust this man, seeing as he really looked frantic and desperate as he waited for the cops to arrive. 

Fortunately, the cops arrived a few seconds later, and they broke the door down confidently, knowing nothing bad could happen anymore. 

Dae Shin pushed everyone away and rushed into the room where he heard activity from, and yanked a shocked Bogum off Taehyung and shoved him to the corner of the room, yelling "YOU FUCKER!!! I BELIEVED YOU AND DESTROYED AN INNOCENT LIFE UNNECESSARILY!!" at him.

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