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"There's gambling street," Yugyeom suggested one morning as they sat down to have coffee and plan the day, two days before the couple's departure.


"But Ggukie wouldn't be able to handle it," Yugyeom continued despite Jeongguk's frown, "especially after last night."

The previous night had ended in a violent meltdown and Jeongguk still felt a little dizzy with the way he had hit his head to the wall repeatedly. 

Taehyung and Yeonjun had gone to get street food for all of them, seeing as Jeongguk was feeling a little overwhelmed and wasn't going to enjoy anything at the moment. 

Yugyeom had stayed back with Jeongguk, but he didn't know providing pressure to Jeongguk would help him through the meltdown. And thinking Jeongguk wouldn't lose it yet, Taehyung didn't mention it to him. He thought he would be back by the time his husband got worse. 

But unfortunately, by the time he and Yeonjun returned with lots of little covers in their hands, they could hear Jeongguk's screams even a few meters away from the house. When Taehyung rushed in with his heart in his throat, he found his husband banging his head to the wall and Yugyeom crouching a few steps away from him, crying rivers with his hands on his mouth. 

Taehyung threw the covers into Yugyeom's arms and rushed to help his husband ground himself and the night had ended with him having to carry an unconscious Jeongguk to Yeonjun's room after requesting Yeonjun to sleep with Yugyeom for the night. 

He wasn't sad that it had happened. He was happy that his husband could cope for so long and adjust for so long without breaking every two days or worse, every day.

He had thought the change in the country, the change in his environment, the change in the food, and mainly the change in their sleeping and eating schedules would surely make his husband lose it every night. 

He had thought he would have to pay the hotel extra money for all the noise disturbance that was going to occur. 

But nothing of the sort happened. Despite all the drastic changes, Jeongguk had managed to hold himself off for four long days and Taehyung felt proud of him for that. He felt proud of the improvement in his husband's adjusting capacity. 

"Why...I....?" Jeongguk trailed off, hoping they understood what his own mind wasn't able to formulate.

"Because it's too noisy and too crowdy, Gguk," Yeonjun said, "you won't like it there." 

Jeongguk looked at Yeonjun for a fleeting second before looking away and nodding. After spending all these days together, they had come down to nickname businesses, but Jeongguk still couldn't look at Yeonjun and hold eye contact with him. He needed more time for that. 

"We'll take it slow today. You can relax in the morning and if you are up for it, we can go to the Notre Dame Cathedrals," Yugyeom said, "with that, you will have visited most of the important places, so you can spend the whole day tomorrow on the streets to buy souvenirs for yourself and your friends."

"Sounds good. What do you say?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jeongguk, who was slowly starting to doze off. Taehyung cooed at that and threw his arm around Jeongguk's shoulders to prevent him from falling face-first onto the table. 

"He's still tired from last night, I guess. I'll take him to your room...?" he trailed off, looking at Yeonjun for permission. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Think of it as your room for these two days. I'm more than happy to stay with Yugs," Yeonjun assured and then looked sadly at Jeongguk, "he must have hit himself on his head too hard and too long."

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