40. Anger and advice

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"You look fine now," Jimin commented during dinner the next day. 

"I do feel better, thank you," Taehyung replied with a grin. 

"Then I have two things to talk to you about. Terrace after dinner?" Jimin asked. 

"Is it a secret?" Jeongguk asked. 

"Kinda, but you come too, Ggukie. It's not going to be hidden from you, anyway," Jimin said and thus, the three of them found themselves on the terrace of Jihyo's house after dinner, each holding a bottle of soju in their hands. 

"Okay, one - what the hell is wrong with you, Taehyung?!" Jimin started and Taehyung looked taken aback. That was not what he had expected. "What the hell is wrong with me?" he asked back, and Jeongguk exclaimed, "why are you scolding him?!" at the same time. 

Jimin snorted slightly, "okay, that came out a little wrong, but seriously, what the fuck is wrong with yo-"

"Don't scold him!!" Jeongguk interjected, but Taehyung assured him that it was fine. 

"I didn't bring this up last month because you still looked a little affected, but you look fine now, so just think about it once, okay?" 


"You are a grown man now, Taehyung," Jimin started again, and Taehyung couldn't come to a proper conclusion about what Jimin was talking about. 


"Shut up and listen," Jimin shut him off and continued, "you are working out in your block, am I right? You work out every day, right?" 


"So what happened to you when Bogum was trying to force you, huh? You were a teenager with no option to fight back all those years ago, but what happened to you now, huh? He was in jail all these years and must have lost his muscles as well!! You could have easily knocked him out!! He literally came to your house, into your bedroom and raped you on your bed, what were you doing, Taehyung?!" 

Taehyung looked down and after a few seconds, he downed his bottle of soju and grabbed a new one. This was something he himself had thought about. Why the hell had he frozen up like that and obeyed every single command of Bogum?

Bogum had told him himself. That he would have come earlier if he had known Taehyung would still be so submissive. Even Bogum had thought he would retaliate, but Taehyung had done nothing but freeze up. He couldn't even scream until the blade started cutting his skin up. Seriously, what the fuck was wrong with him??

"Isss....isss not....issss not his missstake," Jeongguk defended in a small voice. He had downed two whole bottles by the time Jimin finished scolding Taehyung, and he was now starting to feel the effects. "He ffff.....fffreezzzes up when....no' his...missstake," he garbled, but Jimin understood what he was trying to say. 

"But still, Taehyung!! You should learn not to freeze up!! You need to learn to act according to the situation!! I want you to learn martial arts from now on. I already talked to a teacher for you and you will be spending an hour every day on that, okay? I can't let you go on like this. You think you need to consult a therapist?" Jimin asked, finally bringing up the topic that he had originally intended on talking about. 

Taehyung shook his head slowly. He was feeling tipsy himself. "No....no th-therapist...I'll over...overcome it by mysss.....myselfff," he said and closed his eyes, feeling done for the night after finishing the third bottle. 

"Wait, I'm not done talking!!" Jimin said and Taehyung jolted, opening his drooping his eyes to look at Jimin. "Someone named Choi Minho contacted our company yesterday and somehow managed to contact me personally. He wants to ask you for help. Your father is apparently in grave need of money to get his liver transplanted."

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