37. Surprise

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The two of them spent almost three hours at the Eiffel tower, exploring every corner of it as they climbed up the stairs. 

"I've always dreamt of having croissants in the Eiffel tower while looking at the river, you know?" Taehyung said at some point and Jeongguk faced him and frowned. "Then why aren't we doing it?" he asked. 

Taehyung shrugged and chuckled. "You wanna do it?" he asked. 

"If you wanna, then I wanna too," Jeongguk said with a frown. His words, their intensity and his expression didn't match, but Taehyung knew they didn't have to match for him to know what his husband felt. 

With a grin, he led his husband to the nearest patisserie his eyes landed on. Eating was still a hassle to Taehyung and he mostly depended on items that required less chewing and biting, but he couldn't resist the temptation. He thought the croissants would be worth it in the end and he turned out to be right.

They spent nearly half an hour admiring the river-view before Jeongguk declared that he wanted to try out the boat cruise. 

Thus, after spending a couple of hours at the Eiffel tower, they set out on a boat cruise. As it was dark already, instead of spending the ride sightseeing, they spent the ride enjoying the water under them and the sky above them and the lights around them. 

They got back to their hotel late in the night and decided to order dinner to their rooms as they were too tired and Jeongguk was too restless. 

The next day, they decided to visit the Louvre museum first thing in the morning. 

Jeongguk was hyperexcited about the museum. He had read a novel called The Da Vinci Code and he couldn't wait to see everything that he had visualized while reading the novel. 

Yeonjun was waiting for them outside the hotel when they got out, with another crisp and expensive suit on. "Can I know your plans for the day, sir?" he asked as he held the door open for them. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk and gave him a nod, encouraging him to speak instead. 

"L-Louvre," Jeongguk mumbled without looking at Yeonjun. 

"Ohh, wonderful, let's go, then. Do you want me to guide you inside the museum?" Yeonjun asked after getting behind the wheel. "S-Sure," Jeongguk's voice came out smaller than earlier and he still didn't look at Yeonjun. Eye contact was hard, after all. It even took Taehyung a long time to get Jeongguk to properly look at him. 

Taehyung grabbed his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, "no need to be so nervous, baby," he said and threw Yeonjun a hesitant glance. Yeonjun, who was already looking at him through the rearview mirror, gave him an assuring smile and a nod. 

Taehyung nodded back at him and looked at his husband, who was now busy staring at the buildings that their car zoomed past. 

Again, they spent hours at the museum, exploring each painting and artwork in detail. Yeonjun remained patient and served as a great guide the whole time without making a comment on Jeongguk's hyperexcitement when they reached the room of Monalisa. 

He didn't mind it or judge it when he flapped his hands excitedly when Yeonjun pointed at the floor where the curator of the novel arranged himself as the Vitruvian Man before dying. 

After having a typical french lunch at a non-tourist restaurant, Yeonjun took them to the wall of I Love You's. Jeongguk didn't see what purpose it served, but he didn't express his opinion because it seemed like his husband loved it. 

They spent some time chilling around and then visited a Vintage cafe. Taehyung invited Yeonjun to join them at the cafe, seeing as the man had been nothing but a nice guide to them the whole morning and afternoon. 

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