14. Embarrassment

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"NO!!" Jimin slammed his hands onto the table as he shot up from his chair in a sudden outburst. 

Everyone including Taehyung (even though he was the one talking to Jimin in the first place) jumped out of their skins as they turned to face Jimin. 

"Ehh....sorry," Jimin apologized sheepishly and sat back down in embarrassment and tried to cover his face from the curious stares that everyone was now throwing at him. 

Jeongguk, who had whined at the beginning when Jimin first scared him, was also now curious as to what made his cousin yell at Taehyung like that. "What happened?" he asked. 

"Nothing, nothing, I'm really sorry, you guys continue what you were doing," Jimin said, gesturing to Hoseok to continue playing the movie that he, Jeongguk, and Namjoon were watching. He even ushered Seokjin and Yoongi back to the kitchen where the two of them were preparing ramyeon for all of them. 

After throwing another judgy look at him, the rest of them got back to what they were doing, but Jeongguk didn't give up until Namjoon and Hoseok manhandled him into continuing the movie. 

"So....I'm guessing from your surprisingly violent reaction.....that you don't want me to teach him how to drive?" Taehyung asked amusedly once he was sure no one cared about them anymore. 

"Yeah, exactly," Jimin said sheepishly, still feeling embarrassed about the attention that he had just received. 

"Why though?" 

"He...umm....how do I say this?....umm...he is a very adrenaline-loving guy...? Something like that..." Jimin nodded his head proudly. He couldn't have worded it better. 

Taehyung stared at Jimin blankly. "Yeah, thank you. I suddenly have all the answers to all the questions in the world," he deadpanned. 

Jimin snorted while rolling his eyes. "I mean....he loves the adrenaline rush....? Aish, how do I explain this?" he suddenly started becoming red in the face due to more embarrassment. 

"Umm....you will understand what I am trying to say if you ever get to see him without his clothes. I don't mean naked, though. Just without his shirt and pant. Not that you shouldn't see him naked, cause that would be weird coming from me..." 

"Jimin-ssi, you are rambling."

"...I am rambling, yes. I'm sorry, why am I like this? I do better in texts. I am not like this normally, I swear. I don't mean you are distracting me, because I am straight, but-"

"You are rambling again."

"....I am rambling again, yes, I'll shut up, I'm sorry," Jimin slapped his own face hard, making the movie trio jump and turn around once again, this time with wide eyes. 

Taehyung guffawed loudly and gestured for them to continue their movie. "It's okay, it's okay. I get your point. Continue," he said, still laughing loudly. 

"So yeah...his body is literally littered with scars. Literally. It's cause he just tears down the lane whenever you hand him a bicycle. Even now he does it. He never controls his speed. He loves the adrenaline rush that comes with the speed. So it's safe not to teach him how to drive," Jimin explained. 

"But you can jus-"

"No, we can't just tell him not to overspeed. He won't listen to you when it comes to that. We've literally told him a million times not to ride his bicycle that fast and he still doesn't listen. That's just him. So it's just better this way," Jimin said. 


"Yupp. He likes everything rough. Really rough. You hold him by his ankles and turn him upside down and he would literally dance on cloud nine and maybe even kiss you for that. Just an example, though, don't actually do that for the kiss," Jimin amended when he noticed hope bloom on Taehyung's face.

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