22. Parents

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"Have a good day, Ggukie. I'll come to meet you later," Taehyung said when he pulled up outside Jeongguk's house the next morning.

"Why? Come inside now. You can meet my parents," Jeongguk said. 

"No, no, it's too early now. I'll come in the evening," Taehyung said and opened the door for Jeongguk. 

"So? You are family. Time shouldn't matter," Jeongguk said with a frown. 

Taehyung smiled softly at that. "It shouldn't, but I'm pretty sure your parents are mad at me for what I did. I don't want to spoil their moods early in the morning. I'll pick you up from the cafe in the afternoon and then we can meet them, okay?" 

".....okay. Have a good morning," Jeongguk mumbled sadly and walked towards the main door. Taehyung stayed just long enough to make sure someone opened the door for him. He drove away before the person could so much as look at him.

He passed his entire morning working on a new song, and when it was time to pick Jeongguk up from the cafe, he styled himself and rushed to the cafe, knowing how badly Jeongguk hated being late. 

He found him standing outside the cafe, waiting for him while bouncing his foot impatiently. He pulled up in front of him and lowered the window on his side. "Ready?" he asked with a pleasant smile, expecting Jeongguk to walk to the other side of the car and get in while scolding him for being late.

However, he didn't expect him to throw his hands in and grab his face and place a fierce kiss on his lips. 

Taehyung froze, his mind threatening to open up tightly locked boxes. When Jeongguk pulled away, he didn't notice Taehyung's pale-as-white face. Or if he did, he didn't mention it. 

"That's to wish you luck. My parents really are mad at you. My Aunt and Uncle are mad at you too, but my Uncle isn't at home right now," Jeongguk said after climbing into the car. 

"T-Thank you...." Taehyung answered absent-mindedly and ignited the engine to life. 

"Did your parents see the hic-bite mark?" he asked after a while. 

"Hmm?" Jeongguk stopped bouncing his leg and looked at Taehyung, "they.....they did not. It was a little hectic because my Uncle....my Uncle was going out of station for the week this morning," he said, "but.....but they might....they might notice it now."

Taehyung grimaced. He felt glad that at least Jimin wouldn't be at home until seven or so in the evening. One less person to worry about. 

Based on the way Jeongguk had kissed him back and moaned, he had not expected him to not know about hickeys. He grimaced once again, imagining how he would have to be Jeongguk's first in the next steps. He couldn't imagine how his boyfriend would react then. 

He threw a glance at Jeongguk's shirt, feeling a little relieved by the fact that it did indeed cover the hickey up a little. It wasn't too obvious.

'Thank god.'

When they reached Jeongguk's house, however, Jimin was very much present, much to Taehyung's chagrin. And he was welcomed with a glare when he rang the doorbell along with Jeongguk. 

"H-Hey," Taehyung greeted him, but Jimin just rolled his eyes and turned away, not bothering to reply. He didn't even ask him to sit down, but that didn't matter. Jeongguk stood along with him until someone walked out of a room and asked the two of them to sit down.

"You must be Taehyung," she said. She didn't sound angry, but she didn't sound glad to have him in the house, either. And she of course knew who Taehyung was, but Taehyung supposed that was her way of telling him that she wasn't exactly pleased with him. 

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