38. Friends

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 "So you are Kim Jeongguk now?" Yugyeom asked Jeongguk on the crush's coaster. 

The two of them were sitting together on one side while Taehyung sat on the other side with Yeonjun, who seemed to be scared for his life as the coaster turned around and zoomed on the rails. 

"Yes!!" Taehyung heard his husband exclaim proudly, and felt a little proud himself. It felt great to share his surname with someone. Especially someone who he loved more than his own life. 

They had bought Disney characters' headbands on their way, and even though it had already been an hour since Jeongguk fit that Minney mouse band on his head, it still did things to Taehyung's heart whenever his eyes fell on his husband's adorable face. 

Despite being giddy about meeting Yugyeom, Jeongguk still made sure to check up on Taehyung every few minutes to make sure he was enjoying the visit, and that was enough for Taehyung. 

He did feel a little disappointed that he couldn't spend proper time with his husband at Disneyland, but he felt happy that his husband finally got to meet Yugyeom. His husband's happiness was worth it. He got to make friends with Yeonjun, anyway. He was a cool man. 

They spent time together until the very last second and left the amusement park when they were one of the last people left. 

"Where are you guys staying?" Yugyeom asked. 

"Shangri-la Paris," Taehyung answered. 

"Ohh....nice. Do you guys wanna come and stay at our house instead? We can spend the whole week together," Yugyeom offered after sharing a look with Yeonjun. 

"It's oka-"

"YES, YES, OF COURSE, YES, I LOVE THAT IDEA!!" Jeongguk exclaimed before Taehyung could even finish his words. Yugyeom's face lit up in excitement. 

"No, no, it's okay, we are fine at the hote-"

"No, we are not fine at the hotel, he's lying. I wanna stay at your house instead," Jeongguk cut his husband off again. 

Taehyung hoped the ground would just swallow him in. He felt embarrassed. It was manners to decline the hospitality. More than anything else, Taehyung didn't want to inconvenience Yugyeom and Yeonjun, who seemed to be living together. He was sure Yugyeom just offered for formalities. 

"It's okay," Yeonjun said, noticing Taehyung's hesitance, "Yugs is really happy to meet Joengguk after all these years. Looks like Jeongguk is too. Don't deprive them of that joy."

Taehyung nodded, "you are right."

After another typical late-night French dinner at another non-tourist restaurant, Jeongguk left for Yugyeom's house along with him, leaving Taehyung and Yeonjun to check out of their room in Shangri-la Paris and get their luggage to Yugyeom's house.

It was almost midnight when Taehyung and Yeonjun filed into the house with Taehyung and his husband's luggage. They expected the best friends to be catching up among themselves, but they found them busy on a video call with Bambam. 

"HAN-TAEHYUNG!!" Yugyeom called out when he realized they were finally home, "come and greet Bamie," he said and looked at the screen. "Brace yourself," was the only warning he gave Bambam before Taehyung bent over to appear on the screen. 


Taehyung chuckled and Jeongguk laughed. He had missed his friends' dramatics like crazy. 


"His name is Taehyung now," Jeongguk said with a frown before Taehyung could say the same thing. 

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