24. New things

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Jeongguk couldn't fall asleep. 

No matter how hard he tossed and turned around, he couldn't fall asleep. Jimin and Taehyung had left about an hour and a half ago and he couldn't help but think of the fun that the two of them might be having alone. 

After a few minutes, deciding to be indisciplined again, he grabbed his phone and called Taehyung. 

"Hello, my lovely-dovely-povely-Ggukie~" Taehyung sang when he answered the call and Jeongguk widened his eyes. "Why...why are you talking like that? Why are yo-"


"What?!" Jeongguk was starting to get worried. He didn't like the way Taehyung sounded. He had dealt with drunk people before, but none of them had been this drunk. 

"I misssss you, baby, wh-whe'e a'e you?" tears prickled Jeongguk's eyes. He heard Jimin snort in the background. "You a'e such a ffff-ffool! He www-wwould be at home, wh-whe'e elsse would he be?!" Jimin said and Jeongguk burst into tears. Jimin had never been that drunk before either. Even if he had been, Jeongguk had never witnessed it. 

"IMOOOOO!!!" he called out tearfully, "IMOO!! IMO, IMO, IMO, IMO, IMOOOOO!! EOM-"

"Aishhhh, wh-why the ffff-fuck a'e you yelling, Ggukie?! You a'e blasting my ears!!" Taehyung exclaimed, making Jeongguk cry harder. "IM-"

"What, what, what, what happened?!" all the three adults in the house burst into his room, panting as they stared at Jeongguk in worry. 

"Th-They sound.....they sound so weird, they sound so, so, so, so, so, so, so weird, they-" he hiccupped while Jaewan walked forward and grabbed his phone. 


"Ohh, who a'e you?! You d-don't ssssound like my Ggukie," Jaewan could hear the pout in Taehyung's voice. "Where is Jimin?" he asked. 

"Ffffi'st tell me who you a'e!! How do you h-have my Ggukie's phh-phone?!" Taehyung snapped at him. "Wh-Who has our Ggukie's phh-phone? H-How dare they?! I'll go and b-burst their balls!!" Jaewan heard Jimin in the background and closed his eyes shut, holding the phone away from his ears. 

"I'll come and pick you guys up. Where are you?" 

"We a'e at the Dickstraw lane, ffff-ffive minutes away from B-Blueball rest....restaurant. C-Come ifff you can, you asssshole!!" 

Jaewan closed his eyes again and took a deep breath as he heard Jimin cackle on the other end of the call. "Nicccce one, Tae!!"

"Can you give the phone to Jimin at least?" Jaewan asked. "I'm not letting my b-best ffff-ffrriend talk to a p-pervert. T-Talk to me or g-give the phh-phone back to my Ggukie," Taehyung said.

Jaewan took a deep breath and looked at his son, who was staring at him with tears in his eyes and his arms around his mother. "Ggukie, you need to stay calm and ask them where they are, okay? I need to go and pick them up. Both of them are wasted," he said and handed the phone to Jeongguk. 


"My Ggukie!! Ffffffinally!!! I love you, b-baby, muah!!" 

"I-I love," Jeongguk sniffled, "I love you t-too," he cried, "where...where are you? Whe-"

"Wh-Whe'e a'e we, Jiminie?" 

"I d-don't know. Why?" 

"Sh-Share your location. Go to the maps and clic-"

"I know how to shhhhh-share my l-location, Ggukie," Taehyung chuckled and that chuckle terrified Jeongguk. "C-Come, soon, baby, I missss you," Taehyung said and hung up. 

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