7. Discipline

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"Hyung!! Your ex is here!!"

Taehyung grimaced. It was the fourth time he was visiting Jeongguk in two weeks but the way Jeongguk announced his arrival still didn't change. He was still 'Seojoon hyung's ex' to Jeongguk and that idea didn't sit well with him.

"Jeongguk, don't call me that," he said, settling in one of the chairs in the corner of the cafe.

At least, one good fact was that the cafe was nearly empty all the times he came and luckily, none of the customers noticed or minded him. He flinched the first couple of times Jeongguk announced him as Seojoon's ex, but he didn't care anymore. None of the people in the cafe cared either.

"Why? You are Seojoon hyung's ex', right? Or are you not anymore? You both got back together??" Jeongguk rambled.

"No, no, we did not. Leave it, Ggukie. Go home now. He literally came to pick you up," Seojoon said, throwing a smug smile at Taehyung, who turned red at that.

"That's not it," Taehyung mumbled, but Seojoon waved his hand in front of Taehyung's face provocatively. "Don't even try. You literally came two minutes before his work ends," he said.

"Aish..." Taehyung surrendered and broke into a sheepish grin, "you know me."

"That I do," Seojoon said and patted Jeongguk on his shoulder. "Go," he said.

"I still have thirty-two seconds," Jeongguk protested seriously, making Seojoon roll his eyes. "It's okay, Ggukie. I'm your boss and I'm telling you it's okay if you go thirty-two-no, it's twenty now. It's okay if you go twenty seconds earlier," he said, amused.

Taehyung stared at Jeongguk with an amused smile as well. Jeongguk's way of counting seconds for everything was starting to grow on him.

"No, no," Jeongguk shook his head and threw both of them a nasty glare before stomping back to the kitchen, mumbling something about people not having any discipline in their lives.

Weird people.

However, he turned right around the second he entered the kitchen and eyed the clock inside it. His time was done. The clock struck three and he wasn't supposed to spend a second more in the cafe unless he was buying something to drink or eat.

"Bye, hyung," he said to Hyungsik, Wooshik and Sunghwan after changing his uniform and walked out. "Bye, hyung. Bye, Hansung," Jeongguk waved and exited the cafe before Taehyung could even realise what was happening.

"Wha...JEONGGUK, WAIT!!" Taehyung yelled and ran after him, leaving a laughing herd of friends behind.

Jeongguk turned around with a scowl. "What is it?" he asked. "Don't you wanna spend some time with me?" Taehyung asked, catching up to Jeongguk and falling in pace with him.

"I do, but you are late," Jeongguk mumbled, his lips pursing into a little pout.

"Then come in my car. Let's go to your house and hangout the way you wanted to," Taehyung said.

Jeongguk's eyes lit up and he tipped up on his toes and got back down, repeating the action twice before hitting his thigh to stop himself from going overboard.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's-"

Taehyung chuckled and held him by his shoulders. "You are cute," he said and steered him around so that they could walk to his car instead.

"Shut up. You are cuter," Jeongguk mumbled and walked with Taehyung without protesting about the hands on his shoulder.

"You mean handsome?" Taehyung asked with a smirk. "Yeah, that that," Jeongguk said. His fingers, which had been trying to pick a perfectly alright thread on his pant, slipped and jerked forward, but he hit his hand and brought it back down.

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