42. Closure

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7,776,000 seconds later........

"So what are you eating?" 

"Burger. It's tasty."

"Ggukie, you know better than to eat a burger for lunch," Taehyung scolded on phone. 

"I'm gonna eat four, not one," Jeongguk pointed out and heard the sound of facepalming. 

"I should have phrased it better. You know better than to eat burgers for lunch," Taehyung said. 

"I know, but I wanted to. You said it's okay to be indisciplined and do whatever we wanna," Jeongguk said. 

"Yes, Ggukie, but you shouldn't cross the line. Having burgers for lunch is not really that healthy and you know better about health than me, don't you?" 

"I do," Jeongguk mumbled and looked down sadly at the first burger that he had taken his first bite from. "I'll throw them away, then, I'll...I'll...I don't wanna throw them away, but I'll throw the-"

"It's okay, Ggukie, now don't throw them away and waste food. That's a bigger crime. Just don't buy burgers for lunch, okay? You need to have solid food for lunch," Taehyung lectured. 

"Ohhkaay," Jeongguk said and continued eating his burgers, this time with a small pout. "I miss you," he said. 

"I know, baby, I'm sorry I couldn't join you at the cafeteria today. I had a last-minute interview for a magazine," Taehyung said. "I know," Jeongguk mumbled and looked at Jeongyeon, who was next to him and busy texting her own boyfriend. 

Taehyung had already texted him an hour ago to tell him the same. As Jeongguk had been busy working back then, he didn't check his phone and opened the text only after entering the company cafeteria and finding it void of his husband and brother, who never failed to join him and Jeongyeon for lunch ever since he had started working for the Bighit company three months ago, a week after returning from Paris. 

The first two weeks had been hard, seeing as he wasn't just living randomly. He now had a new schedule to adjust to. 

He had to go to the gym in the morning itself, seeing as he was too exhausted when he returned home around seven in the evening (Taehyung had arranged a driver who would drop him back at home in the evenings). He only had the energy to cook dinner for his husband, who returned at ten in the night, and the energy to talk to his parents, and sometimes even Jimin, Yugyeom and Bambam. 

Taehyung didn't like seeing his husband like this, all busy and exhausted from work, but he knew it would all stop after eight months when a baby would enter their life. Jeongguk had decided to quit working and stay at home to take care of the incoming baby.

After intense research and consultations, Taehyung found someone to bear surrogate babies for them. Jeongguk had stayed adamant about Taehyung being the first one to get a baby. He wanted two kids with two years of difference, and he wanted his own baby to be the second one. 

Again, how could Taehyung ever say no to him?

After trying a couple of times, he had succeeded in getting the lady pregnant and they received news that she was one month into the pregnancy. 

They had lots of hopes for the incoming baby. Jeongguk already couldn't control his ever-growing excitement. Taehyung, on the other hand, felt more and more anxious with every single passing day. 

He was going to be a father. Even though he had always thought of how he wanted to be one, now that he knew he had a deadline to get himself prepared and ready, he struggled to pull himself together. 

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