26. Breakup

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"So...how was the party?" Hyungsik asked during lunch the next day.

"It was good. We had sex after the party," Jeongguk said, sounding unbothered about sharing his personal life openly.

Sunghwan choked on his food while Seojoon froze. "Are you....are you fine, Ggukie?" he asked.

"Huh? I'm fine, I'm very fine, fine," Jeongguk said and proceeded to stuff his mouth with his food.

"No. I mean....he didn't hurt you, did he?" Seojoon asked hesitantly, his mind jumping back to the times when he started noticing the changes in his then-boyfriend. The way he started trying to top. The way he kept growing more and more aggressive.

Jeongguk shook his head with a frown. "He did destroy my a-"

"Okay, stop," Sunghwan held his hand out, palm facing Jeongguk, "we're trying to eat here. Don't give us the gross details," he said and faced Seojoon, "why would Tae even hurt him? He loves him. You and your nonsense questions," he said, rolling his eyes.

".....right," Seojoon said and looked down, deciding to talk to Jeongguk later without the rest of them around. None of them knew the real reason he broke up with Taehyung, after all. He wasn't keen on letting them know, either. He had told everyone that he didn't want to date someone that everyone else would drool over and he'd rather let that reason remain in their minds than let them know the truth. 

"Did you guys use protection, Ggukie?" Wooshik asked. "Of course. We used four protections," Jeongguk said, holding up four fingers to emphasize his point.

"......four?" Hyungsik frowned, "what four?"

"Four condoms. The first three broke," Jeongguk shrugged, but a brick fell to the pits of Seojoon's stomach. Taehyung had enough money to not buy cheap condoms and he knew it very well. And for him to break three condoms of great quality......

"Ggukie, come with me. We have to talk," he said and got up.

"Why?" Jeongguk asked.

"Just come," Seojoon said, looking at Jeongguk seriously. Jeongguk looked away from him and banged his bouncing leg with his fist, not liking the way Seojoon looked at him.

"No, why? Talk in front of us," Sunghwan said, noticing Jeongguk's discomfort.

"No, I need to talk to him alone. Jeongguk, get up and follow me," Seojoon said sternly, his mind already racing a hundred miles a second with thoughts of how Taehyung might hurt Jeongguk. He couldn't even bear to think about it.

Jeongguk was like a little brother to him and he didn't think he would be able to handle it if he got harassed sexually. He knew Jeongguk wouldn't even know it when he got harassed. Just like his present situation.

"What's your problem, Joon?! You are scaring him!!" Sunghwan exclaimed, sounding a little angry. "If you are jealous, talk it out with Taehyung. Don't show it on Gguk," he said sternly. "You were the one who broke up with him using a lame excuse!!"

Seojoon widened his eyes and glared at Sunghwan. "Where the hell did jealousy come from?! Who said I was jealous?! Mind your words!!" he exclaimed angrily.

"Hey, chill, calm down, let's not fight," Hyungsik said and stood up, taking a careful stance next to Sunghwan, who was now on his feet as well. Wooshik did the same, getting himself ready in case he had to hold Seojoon back.

In the growing chaos, they missed the small voice of the man who covered his ears and eyes, mumbling 'don't fight,' over and over again.

"No, you keep quiet!! How can he accuse me of being jealous?! I'm moving on and you know it very well!!"

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