28. Do it yourself

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A week passed by since the concert and it marked the two-month journey of Taehyung's sex-less run. 

After the incident at the Wooga Sitting, Taehyung hadn't dared to proceed sexually with Jeongguk. He knew how true Seojoon was. He knew there was a chance for him to hurt Jeongguk. And he didn't want that to happen. 

However, he was currently growing more and more restless, what with Jeongguk roaming around in his apartment without wearing a shirt, thanks to the summer heat that was frying them alive. 

He tried his best not to let those toned abs and biceps and pecs tempt him, but how long could a man go if those abs and pecs were dripping water after a fresh shower?

"Jeongguk, wear a damn shirt, please, you are killing me," Taehyung pleaded for the hundredth time that day, but Jeongguk's response remained the same. 

"Don't lie. I'm not doing anything to you. I'm literally minding my own business."

Well, that business was to unpack his boxes and arrange his clothes into Taehyung's - now their - wardrobe. 

Taehyung thought it would be better to wait for a couple of months more, but Jeongguk had been adamant about moving in. His argument was that they should live together, now that he said yes to living together with Taehyung forever. 

And how could Taehyung say no to it when he himself wanted Jeongguk around him forever? How could he ever say no to Jeongguk in general? 

And thus, the two of them found themselves unpacking Jeongguk's things that Soohyeon had so generously packed up for him over the weekdays. 

Taehyung frowned and looked down, cursing the worst of his lucks. "Not nowwww," he groaned and got up, rushing to the washroom to handle himself. "What's wrong? Taehyung?!" Jeongguk followed him in concern. 

"Nothing. You go back to unpacking," Taehyung said, sounding hoarse, and it did nothing to convince Jeongguk, who kept following him with his eyebrows furrowed in worry. 

"What happened? Did you hurt yourself? Tell me som-"

"I'm alright, Ggukie!! I just have a-" Taehyung shut his mouth and pressed his lips tight, not believing that he almost talked about his problem downstairs out loud. 

"You have a what? YOU HAVE A WHAT?! YOU-" 

"A boner, a boner!!" Taehyung whispered to stop his boyfriend from yelling. 

"Ohh....you can do it yourself. I won't help you," Jeongguk mumbled and turned around, walking right out of the room without looking back even once. 

".....okay?" Taehyung mumbled long after Jeongguk left. He didn't understand what was wrong. However, he chuckled a couple of seconds later, thinking of how his boyfriend had no filter at all when it came to talking what came to his mind. 


He handled his problem by himself and exited the bathroom, only to find Jeongguk sprawled on the floor, outside his bathroom, with his own fingers deep inside himself. How he missed those filthy sounds escaping his mouth would remain a mystery to him forever. 

He supposed Jeongguk masturbated to the sounds of his moans. He cursed again, feeling his mister waking up once again. He took his pants off and kneeled in front of Jeongguk. He was totally out of control. He couldn't hold back anymore. Not after seeing Jeongguk like that. 

"Let me help you," he murmured seductively and got up to grab the lube and a condom, but Jeongguk snapped his eyes open and stopped masturbating, scrambling away from him with a frown. 

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