11. Answers

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"......I don't really understand what you mean by that," Taehyung mumbled dumbly after a long silence that followed Jimin's words.

The people in the room were debating on whether or not it would be alright to ask Taehyung for his autograph as the talk between him and their coworker seemed a little serious to them.

Jimin took a deep breath. "You guys went on a date, right? Did he ask you if it was a date?"

"....he did."

"And then he called the two of you 'daters'?"

".....he did!"

"And behaved a little possessive of you?"

"....he did!!!!!"

"And then asked you to ask him to be your boyfriend?"

".....HE DID!!!!!"

Jimin felt a little bad for snorting at Taehyung's dumbfounded expression.

"In fact, I was going to wait until a couple more dates before asking him, but he was the one who brought it up first!!!"

"I get it, Taehyung-ssi, don't worry. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Like I said, I usually don't interfere in his relationships and let his boyfriends figure things out themselves, but I don't wanna do that this time because I know you are not free enough to wait patiently and figure things out," Jimin said.


"Yeah, so coming back to the point, he...is going according to a list in his mind. A specific order."


Jimin chuckled again, this time a little harder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he apologised and took another deep breath before diving into the explanation.

"Ggukie, what's your opinion on dating?" a fifteen-year-old Jimin asked his cousin. The two of them were chilling on his bed after a long round of video games when Jimin brought this question up.

"I don't have any. Why?"

"Just like that. Imagine this," Jimin turned to face Jeongguk excitedly, propping himself up on his elbows. Jeongguk did the same and faced Jimin. Imagination? He was up for it.

"Someone asks you out for a date and you guys enjoy and then become 'daters' and become possessive of each other and then he asks you to be his boyfriend and you say yes and then you guys kiss on your next date and then show off to everyone and have sex and then after dating for a while, you confess your love to each other and then he asks you to marry him and then you say yes and you live your lives together and......oh my gooooood," Jimin kept going on and on dreamily.

"So you are gay."

".....that was not what I was trying to get at, but no, I'm bi," Jimin said, sighing as he lay back down on his back, and stared at the celing.

"I'm gay," Jeongguk said. "Ohh?! You discovered yourself already?! You like someone?"

"I don't. But I checked the list of things you told me about the last time you came to our house and I realized I am gay," Jeongguk said.

"Oh, that checklist for gays I found in Instagram?"

"Yeah, that one, that one."

Taehyung stayed silent for another long while. ".....so....you are telling me....he is following a stupid list that you guys made up in your early teenage...?"

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