31. Big(small) event

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3,373,261.001 seconds later.......

The company still didn't manage to catch the stalker, but Taehyung had cleared the issue up a little with a tweet from his own account after receiving Jeongguk's permission. 

"My boyfriend, the person I love more than anything else in this world, is autistic. I met him in high school and fell in love with him for who he was. I request you people not to involve in my dating life and inconvenience my boyfriend anymore. I might be patient with what you say about me, but I might not hold myself back if anyone insults him. I also thank my fans who have already fought for him. I'll never forget your support. The company will look into the stalker matter. Thank you."

Taehyung was proud of the way his message was received by his fans. They had started forming little autism awareness groups and he couldn't be prouder of them. 

And he knew Jeongguk was extremely proud as well if the continuous quarter-of-an-hour chant of 'I love them, I love them so much' was anything to go by. 

"So when's our wedding?" Jeongguk asked early in the morning one day, making his poor boyfriend choke on his coffee. 

"I didn't say anything wrong....now why are you choking on your coffee?!" he exclaimed as Taehyung struggled to catch his breath after the violent coughing fit that followed. 

"We..." Taehyung cleared his throat, "I didn't even put a ring on you yet, baby, there's a long way to go for our wedding," he explained. 

"Does that mean you don't wanna marry me yet?" 

"No, baby, I would marry you today, I would marry you now if I could, but I first have to propose to you properly and then we have to get married," Taehyung explained. 

Jeongguk frowned angrily and shot up from his bean bag, mumbling "but you were the one who said we don't have to follow an order if we love each other," as he dumped his mug into the sink in the kitchen.

Taehyung didn't hear him. He just heard him mumbling, and let the matter go, deciding to propose to him as soon as possible. That evening, when the two of them returned from the cafe, Jeongguk chased Taehyung out, asking him to practice his dances and return home before the clock struck six. 

Bewildered, Taehyung dusted his shirt (Jeongguk had literally kicked him out of the house and slammed the door on his face) and left for the company. When he returned home, he was greeted by a flying suit that hit him right on his face. 

"Wear that and get ready. You have exactly nine hundred seconds. I have a surprise for you," Jeongguk said, already ready with a crisp black suit on. 

"Okay....?" Taehyung said wide-eyed and walked hesitantly into his bedroom after throwing a couple more bewildered glances at his hot-in-a-suit boyfriend, who was standing cross-armed in the living room. 

"Don't look at me!! GO, GO, GO, G-"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going!!" Taehyung scrambled into the room and slammed his door shut. 

"Are you done?!" Jeongguk kept yelling from outside every two minutes and despite it driving Taehyung up the wall, he got ready in record time and rushed out of the room before Jeongguk went out of his mind. 

By the time he came out, Jeongguk had already booked a cab for the two of them and the cab was waiting outside the apartment for them. 

"Are you not going to tell me what we are gonna do?" he tried asking, but a glare from Jeongguk shut him up immediately. 

"I told you it's a surprise. Don't ask questions."

Taehyung supposed the driver already knew where they were headed. He tried to think of every single good place that the current road led to, but he couldn't come to a proper conclusion. None of the places required them in suits.

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