29. Adrenaline

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Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head fondly at his boyfriend, who was just about a mustard's diameter close to jumping out of the car and running all the way to the amusement park in excitement. 

Two weeks passed by since the two of them had a conversation about the reason behind Taehyung's sexual toxicity. Jeongguk didn't fear getting hurt by Taehyung after that. He trusted him when he said he would try his best not to hurt him. 

The problem was, they did not proceed any further sexually even after that conversation. Almost every night ended with a meltdown as Jeongguk struggled to cope with the changes in his life that came with moving in with Taehyung. 

He couldn't walk down to the cafe anymore. He couldn't go to the same gym anymore. He couldn't have dinner at half-past eight anymore. He couldn't join his Aunt in cooking dinner anymore - he had to do the whole cooking himself. He couldn't go to sleep at half-past ten anymore. That was the time when Taehyung returned home from the company, stinking with sweat, and the two of them sat down to have dinner. 

The one thing that remained constant was his bean bag. He had brought it with him and refused to sit anywhere other than the bean bag when they were in the living room. Taehyung knew it happened back at Jimin's house as well and didn't give it much thought.

Taehyung fixed up his own schedule. He would drop Jeongguk at his cafe in the morning and then leave for his studio. He would start working early so that he had time to pick Jeongguk up from the cafe every afternoon. He made sure his manager left his schedule free at that time every day. No interviews, no photoshoots, no practice, no recordings, nothing.

After leaving Jeongguk at home, he would spend some time with him and then drop him at the neighbouring gym that he had enrolled on, and leave for the company again. While Jeongguk walked back home after working out at the gym, Taehyung would practice his choreographies and songs and return back home a little after ten, at the time when he used to call and talk to Jeongguk before the whole commotion started.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, talked to his parents at eight instead of nine and started cooking after the call. Dinner would pass by with great difficulty and by the end of it, he would break down and lose a couple of hours of his already decreasing sleep time. That would again affect his next day, and the same cycle would continue. 

Taehyung felt really bad for him. He himself had lost his mind during those meltdowns more than a couple of times, but he managed to cope. The only thought that helped him get through them was the fact that Jeongguk had it way worse than him.

Nonetheless, he started to notice how the intensity of the meltdowns started decreasing with every passing day. The previous night, Jeongguk had fallen asleep while being on the verge of a meltdown. He had successfully succeeded in falling asleep before his mind had enough. 

Taehyung realized that his boyfriend was finally starting to adjust to his new life. A few more days, and there wouldn't be any more meltdowns because of moving in with him anymore. 

He looked at his boyfriend once again, chuckling as he watched him try to control the excitement that was practically oozing out of him. According to Jimin, it had been really long since Jeongguk had gone to an amusement park. 

He remembered how Jimin had told him that Jeongguk loved the feel of adrenaline rushing up his veins. 

'Adrenaline-loving guy,' had been his words. "He likes everything rough. Really rough. You hold him by his ankles and turn him upside down and he would literally dance on cloud nine and maybe even kiss you for that."

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