6. Why? Why? Why?

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"Kim Hansung, that fucking fucktard, I'm gonna kill and bury him somewhere with my own hands."

Taehyung's face paled. "W-Wha-"

"Hey, no. It's not like he did it on purpose. Hansung is a nice guy. I like him. He was my partner in a project once," Jeongguk continued seriously without minding anyone around him.

".....did w-we?"

Hyungsik chuckled, but tried to convert it into a cough mid-chuckle. Jeongguk, however, still remained oblivious to Taehyung's major shock and confusion.

"Did you notice that fucktard Hansung trying to talk to Ggukie a few minutes ago? I don't like him. He's hella creepy....."


"He's hella creepy......I know you, I know you." Jeongguk concluded, smiling proudly.

Seojoon, Hyungsik and Wooshik burst out laughing at the ultimate confusion written on Taehyung's face. Sunghwan snorted as well and patted Jeongguk's hand fondly.

"Who said that, Gguk?" he asked.

"Yugie and Bamie," Jeongguk answered right away.

Taehyung's eyes widened as realization hit him. Laughter broke out before he could control himself.

"Y-You were rep-repeating their words??" he asked in between wheezes.  

Jeongguk nodded with a small frown as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

Taehyung broke into a louder laughter, holding his stomach to control the ache that was starting to form from laughing so hard.

"Oh...oh my god...you s-scared me there for a second," he continued, missing how Jeongguk whined slightly, increasing the tempo of his fingers on the table.

"Okay, okay, enough laughing. You came for him, right? Spend some time with him. We can catch up later," Sunghwan said and stood up, knowing Jeongguk didn't like it when people laughed too much at something.

He was really bad at understanding jokes or humour and if people laughed too hard and he was the only person who wasn't laughing, he always ended up thinking they were laughing at him.

"Okay, sure. Bye, guys," Taehyung flashed a huge grin at them, feeling thankful that their telepathy was still intact.

"I only have twenty six and a half minutes left, though. I have to leave after that," Jeongguk said. He still did not look Taehyung in the eye and it bothered Taehyung a little.

He sighed. According to Jeongguk, he was just going to do nothing after going back home. Was Taehyung's company that revolting to Jeongguk that he would rather go back home and do nothing than spend some time with him?

Jeongguk bounced his leg harder. The silence was a little awkward and it wasn't settling well with him.

"W-Where did you go after high school?" he asked, pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"I-I...umm.....I came to Seoul. What about you?"

"I stayed in Busan and studied Business Administration, but I'm not getting any suitable job," Jeongguk said, looking up at Hyungsik, who placed two cups of milkshakes in front of them.

"I know both of you hate coffee," he said and left after winking at them.

Jeongguk smiled a little and dragged his drink closer to himself, taking a small sip from it. Taehyung did the same and hummed.

"So you are working here? You came to Seoul after studying Business Administration?" he asked.


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