36. Off to Paris

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Taehyung was on another break. This time, he didn't let the fans know why he was on a break, and the few people who knew what happened, fortunately, kept their mouths shut.

A lot happened in the three weeks that followed the incident with Bogum. Bogum got prisoned for life for multiple rapes and Taehyung felt like he deserved it. There was literally no justification for what he had done, after all.

He didn't forgive Dae Shin after hearing his story. He couldn't bring himself to forgive him for the stalking. No matter how much he convinced himself that it was Bogum that brainwashed Dae Shin, he couldn't bring himself to forgive him for that. 

However, he did decide not to press charges. All the stalking did do good to him and his boyfriend in the end, after all. It would have taken him years to gather enough confidence and come out to the public, but the stalking incident had indirectly helped him come out and receive support faster. 

He spent the whole of the first week and a half of the second week chilling at home with his husband, who had quit working at the cafe to stay and take care of him. 

Again, quitting his job had taken a huge toll on Jeongguk, but Taehyung in turn took care of him when he got overwhelmed with the change. 

Thus, they spent the first ten days taking care of each other. 

They spent the next week chilling at the Jeju island, having the time of their lives despite the overwhelming changes Jeongguk had to accommodate in his life. 

Jimin, on the other hand, worked on his first mission as Taehyung's new manager. Getting a passport for his brother. 

The couple were waiting for the month to end as tourists weren't allowed to visit the city of love in the month of August. They decided to leave on Jeongguk's birthday, celebrating the day during the flight. 

The day came within the blink of an eye, and they soon found themselves in the airport in the midst of a crowd of fans trying to swarm close to them. 

Taehyung felt bad for his husband, who had stopped moving, closing his eyes and ears shut tight, mumbling 'no, go away' over and over again because of the crowd. He wrapped an arm around his waist and Jeongguk involuntarily let him lead him away from the crowd. 

It was only when they got into the plane that Jeongguk finally dared to relax. "It's done now. We are gonna have a week only for ourselves," Taehyung promised, regretting his decision to post a picture of his tickets the previous day on social media. He should have known fans would swarm the airport. He should have thought of his husband. 

Jeongguk stayed restless during the whole flight and thus, Taehyung decided not to celebrate his birthday and do something that might end up freaking him out further. 

When they reached the city of love, a Korean man with a crisp and expensive suit was already waiting for them with his car, identifying himself as Choi Yeonjun, the man that Park Jimin had arranged for the two of them to have a good time in Paris. 

Taehyung smiled to himself as they got into the car after loading their luggage into the trunk. It had only been ten days since Jimin became his manager (upon his own request), and he could see that he was already doing a great job. 

Jimin's position in the IT department was kept on hold. It was waiting for his own husband, who was going to join Bighit after they returned from Paris. He would achieve his dream and have Jeongyeon with him at the same time if he ever needed help. 

Taehyung was happy the head of the department was willing to give Jeongguk a chance without throwing his application away because of his autism. 

"You chose a nice hotel, sir. Shangri-La Paris is very close to the Eifel tower. You can take rest for now and go for a stroll in the evening," Yeonjun said after a while of silence. 

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