8. Overload

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"Can you please not call me Hansung anymore?"


"I changed my name for a reason, right? I don't wanna associate myself with that name anymore," Taehyung said.

"But you didn't tell me the reason," Jeongguk pointed out. 

"That doesn't matter. Just don't call me by that name anymore, please," Taehyung pleaded. 

"Okay," Jeongguk said and looked down at his bouncing leg. 

The two of them spent some time at the cafe, catching up on their lives and getting to know each other a little more before Jeongguk began to nag Taehyung about him getting late to the gym.

The two of them had gotten carried away and both of them had failed to notice the passing time.

"Yeah, yeah, we are going back, now stop bouncing your legs. You are driving me crazy with that," Taehyung said, distressed.

He always knew Jeongguk was a little special. He just never managed to find out what made him special.

He knew he needed to have a lot of patience to deal with Jeongguk. He just didn't know why Jeongguk was like that in the first place.

Nonetheless, it didn't make him like him any less. In fact, it increased his feeling of wanting to wrap Jeongguk up in his arms and hide him away in his apartment, keeping him all to himself.

Jeongguk let out a small whine, looking a little distressed. Taehyung eyed him quickly, trying to assess what was wrong. Being about a couple of minutes late to the gym couldn't be the reason, right?

"What's wrong?" he finally asked when Jeongguk began to pull his hair a little.

Jeongguk didn't answer. He was getting late. He had to be at the gym by five and he knew he didn't have the time to change his clothes and then arrive at the gym by five.

"Home," he mumbled after a minute of tense silence, finally registering Taehyung's question. "Yeah, we are going there. Just hang on a little, okay?" Taehyung answered, his eyes flashing with concern.

Jeongguk didn't answer again, this time not registering Taehyung's words.

"Hey, stop hurting yourself," Taehyung said, gently pulling Jeongguk's hand away from his hair. He pressed down on the accelerator at the same time. Jeongguk's behaviour was scaring him a little and he didn't know how to deal with it.

They thankfully reached Jeongguk's house a couple of minutes later and Jeongguk didn't even stop to wish Taehyung a goodbye. He just dashed in and changed his clothes in record time.

Taehyung was still there when Jeongguk rushed out of the house with his aunt hot on his heels. However, Jeongguk acknowledged neither of them. He was getting late.

"Wha...JEONGGUK, WAIT!!" Taehyung yelled and started his car, speeding down to catch up with Jeongguk, who was literally sprinting down the lane.

"Get in, I'll drop you," he said, lowering his window. "No. I'll go. Bye," Jeongguk said and continued sprinting down the lane. He was too distressed to stop and understand that he wouldn't be late to the gym if he took Taehyung's offer.

Taehyung sighed and mumbled a small 'see you' and left, feeling a little disappointed. He wanted to know what Jeongguk's deal was. He had literally been sprinting as if someone would whip him for being half a minute late. As if it was a cult and not just a gym.

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