16. Mistakes

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Taehyung could feel someone shake his shoulder continuously and it took him a couple of seconds to realize that it was his boyfriend.

"Lemme sleep, Gguk, we didn't sleep all night," Taehyung whined and wrapped his arm around Jeongguk's waist and pulled him down next to him.

The two of them had spent a good amount of time roaming around aimlessly before returning to Taehyung's home the previous night.

Jeongguk had demanded Taehyung to kiss him right outside the main door, but Taehyung had adamantly refused to yield to him.

He had explained to Jeongguk that the list that Jimin had made was his own list and that it wasn't a rule for Jeongguk to follow that list and that Taehyung would kiss Jeongguk only when it was the right time and not when he thought it was the right time to kiss him.

Of course, it had taken a long time for Jeongguk to understand and brand this new fact in his brain and stop demanding for a kiss, but Taehyung didn't mind it. He found the demands too cute and it had taken everything in him not to yield and attack those tempting upperlip-less lips right then and there like a blood-starved monster.

The two of them had then spent some time opening the gifts that Taehyung had received from everyone and it was almost dawn by the time they fell asleep.

"No, no, no, let go, let go, you let go, no, no," Jeongguk struggled hard to get out of Taehyung's firm hold, flailing his limbs all over the bed while repeating 'no' and 'let go' over and over again.

When he realized that Taehyung was simply not going to let go, he stopped flailing around with a huff and stared at Taehyung for a few seconds with a pout. And then-


Taehyung shot up and clasped Jeongguk's mouth shut in a flash. "You wanna get me kicked out of here or wha....are you okay, Ggukie?" he asked when he noticed the tears welling up in Jeongguk's eyes.

"I'm getting late for work," Jeongguk mumbled with his bottom lip trembling.

It was time for his coffee and he had to be at the cafe at seven and he was sure he wouldn't reach in time from Taehyung's house if he had coffee now.

"Oh, baby," Taehyung took his hand off his mouth and pulled him down onto the bed once again. Jeongguk began to struggle again.

"Listen.....listen to me.....Ggukie, stop and listen......Jeon Jeongguk!!" Jeongguk froze at that. He did not like Taehyung calling him with such a stern tone.

"You work, right? You know that in every job you can take a leave, right? Take a leave today. Call Seojoon hyung and tell him you need a leave today. I'm taking a leave too," Taehyung said.

"That would be a cri-"

"Taking a leave every once in a while wouldn't be a crime and you know it," Taehyung cut him off.

Jeongguk shut his mouth and looked down. "Right," he said, but whined. The thought of nothing going according to his schedule for a day sounded so dreadful.

"You come back here," Taehyung patted the sheets, gesturing Jeongguk to join him.

"But...m-my coffee," Jeongguk's words turned into a whine at the end, his body slowly starting to pick up a rocking rhythm. However, after a few seconds of rocking, Jeongguk froze and stopped rocking right away.

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