17. Panic and chaos

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You guys should know this before reading this chapter. Not all autistic people are same and not all of their reactions are same. Not all of them are as violent as Jeongguk and some of them might be more violent as well. Just keep in mind that this is not the way everyone might react to things.



Taehyung could hear Yoongi outside the door, but he didn't know what he was supposed to do. He was in the midst of a breakdown himself.

It had been forty-five minutes since Jeongguk had started to cry and he had still not stopped hurting himself, Jimin wasn't answering his phone, and now Yoongi was outside his apartment, demanding for him to open the door after hearing the loud cries of both of them, and he had no idea what to do.


Still sobbing loudly, he got to his feet and opened the door. "Hyung!" he hiccupped before Yoongi could say anything. "I don't know what....what to do, I d-don't know what to do, I'm losing m-my mind here, I-"

"Hey, calm down for a second, what's going on? Why is Jeongguk crying?" Yoongi was still outside the door and couldn't see inside yet.

"H-He's having a meltdown and it's all my fault. He kept asking me to take him back home and I forced him to stay for a little more while and now I can't even take him back. I shouldn't have done that, I......he had already gone out of his way the night before yesterday, and I didn't consider yesterday's party as well before forcing him to stay back and now-"

"Kim Taehyung, you know better than to force someone to do something. Mainly an autistic person. What were you thinking? He knows his limits, Taehyung. The fact that he came to your house the night before yesterday means he is willing to go out of his way for you, right? How can you do that to him?!" Yoongi reprimanded and walked past Taehyung and into the living room.

"Hey, Jeonggu-"

"NO, DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" Taehyung yelled just in time for Yoongi to freeze and yank his hand back, but the damage was done already. Jeongguk, who was close to finally calming down, flinched and spiralled once again, this time losing his breath to hyperventilation.

Bloodshot eyes ran across the walls frantically and about a couple of seconds later, the nails of Jeongguk's fingers were digging into his cheeks, dragging the bruised and wet skin down brutally.

He didn't stop at that. Once there was blood coming out of a couple of cuts, he stopped abusing his cheeks and wrapped his arms around himself and ran them up and down a couple of times before taking his shirt off.

Taehyung was back to sobbing just as loud as Jeongguk, but Jeongguk didn't even know that. He felt like he was out there flying in the air and he desperately wanted to get back down to the ground.

In a desperate attempt to bring himself down, he slammed his fists on top of his head, but that didn't work either. So he just resorted to repeating the action, not realizing that he was driving Taehyung close to a panic attack with the way he was hitting his head continuously.

Poor Taehyung, who had also started to hyperventilate, now that Jeongguk was hitting himself straight on top of his head, grabbed Yoongi's arm with a scared yelp.

Yoongi, who was just as freaked out, suggested trying to call Jimin once again, but Taehyung's fingers were trembling too hard to type his phone's password properly.

After frantically looking around for awhile, Yoongi remembered the little research he had done out of curiosity after coming to know that Taehyung's love interest was autistic.

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