43. Each others' worlds

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Taehyung and Jeongguk's almost four-year-old daughter jumped up and down as she sang (screamed) along with her dad, who was on the stage along with RM, Jhope, and Suga, performing the concert. 

Jeongguk was behind her in the VIP section, trying to hold her down while cheering the idols on the stage himself. 

Their two-and-a-half-year-old son stayed with his grandparents. They let him be, knowing he wouldn't enjoy the noise and the crowds in the concert. 

Even though he wasn't particularly exhibiting autistic characteristics, they knew loud noises overwhelmed him. They supposed he inherited it from his father, and even though he wasn't as high on the spectrum as his father was, he was somewhere low on it.

Jeongyeon and Jimin were in the VIP section as well. They had left their one-and-a-half-year-old daughter with Jimin's parents. 

Jeongyeon was super excited, knowing Yoongi and Hoseok were going to announce their upcoming wedding on the stage at the end of the concert. 

Namjoon had already done it and had wedded Seokjin the previous year. 

"GO YOONGI!!" she yelled when the concert came to an end and Yoongi took the mic to talk, but realized her mistake and gasped, hearing her yell still resounding through the pin-drop-silent stadium. 

"I MEAN GO SUGA!!" Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin facepalmed one after the other and when Jeongguk did the same thing after Jimin, Hana, his daughter, followed her father and facepalmed as well. 

"I MEAN!! I DON'T-" she shut her mouth, realizing the damage she had already caused. People were already whispering 'Yoongi? Suga?' confusedly. 

Yoongi shook his head and scoffed before bringing his mic up again. "So as my friend so kindly outed me, let me introduce myself properly. My name is Min Yoongi," he said. "Most of you know me as that name-less manager that Taehyung once had. And yes, I worked as his manager while being anonymous. He was one of the only people who knew who Suga was back then.

And I'm happy with the progress I made from then. I'm glad the three of us decided to form a rapping band and I'm glad Taehyung never fails to join us whenever we rap Cypher," he chuckled, looking at Taehyung, who was back at the VIP section along with his family after rapping Cypher along with the three of them. 

Taehyung chuckled as well. The whole stadium chuckled. "I CAN'T NOT RAP CYPHER WITH YOU!!" he yelled loudly when the stadium quietened down again and Hana, who was now perched on top of his shoulders, followed him and yelled "YASSS" loudly. 

She was a sucker for concerts and songs and dances and fun in general. 

The whole stadium rang with laughter at her response. Yoongi himself laughed with his gums wide on display. 

"Anyways," he said and looked at Hoseok, "I'm here with good news. I know a lot of you shipped me with Jhope here....or more precisely, with Jung Hoseok here, and I would like to tell you that we really were in a relationship all these years and I'm officially going to make this wonderful man mine the next month-" he had to stop talking, seeing as none of the fans were going to stop screaming in excitement and shock any time soon. 

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