13. Sunday special

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It felt weird.

It felt so so weird to wake up with The Kim Taehyung's face about a couple of inches away from his face.

It felt so so weird to feel the soft and fluffy mattress under him. It felt so weird to smell Taehyung's unwashed man scent.

It felt so weird to be able to stare at the face that he had admired for so long without being afraid of meeting those captivating eyes.

It felt so so weird to be able to slowly reach up and poke the mole on Taehyung's nose. It felt so weird to then trail his fingers down to the man's lips and trace his thumb over them.

It felt so weirdly good.

Taehyung woke up to Jeongguk poking his nose, but stayed still. When else would he get such a chance?

It was impossibly hard for him not to squirm when Jeongguk played with his lips, but he somehow managed to pull his act off.

The touch felt so feathery but firm at the same time. It stirred up so many emotions in him that he finally gave in and puckered his lips, kissing Jeongguk's thumb straight away.

Jeongguk gasped and yanked his hand back. "Good morning," he whispered.

"Good morning, handsome," Taehyung replied with a soft smile. He couldn't even begin to describe how foreign but wonderful it felt to wake up next to his love.

"My name is Jeongguk," Jeongguk croaked hoarsely.

"I know," Taehyung chuckled. "Come on. Do you want coffee?" he asked.

"No. Not now," Jeongguk said, sitting up lazily.

"Why not?" Taehyung asked, sitting up as well. He was confused. He knew for a fact that Jeongguk began his day every morning with a mug of coffee.

Jeongguk leaned forward. "Because it's Sunday today," he whispered like he was sharing a huge secret.


"So we are not supposed to follow any schedules on Sundays," Jeongguk said, shaking his head seriously.

Taehyung scoffed playfully, grinning at his adorable boyfriend. "So you mess your schedule up on purpose on Sundays?"

Jeongguk nodded. A laugh escaped Taehyung's throat despite how hard he tried to hold it in.

He reached up to ruffle Jeongguk's hair. "Who gave you this wonderful piece of advice?"

"Jiminie hyung."

"Of course he did," Taehyung shook his head and got off his bed. "It's eleven in the morning. You wanna eat here or shall we go out?"

"Anything is fine," Jeongguk shrugged. "Aaaaaaanything is fine."

'Oh god, why can't I stop grinning when he's around,' Taehyung thought as he walked towards his bathroom.

"Fine. I'll go and freshen up. There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom in the guest room. You can freshen up over there if you want."

"Okay," Jeongguk skipped out of the bed and exited the room, hopping in excitement.

Taehyung shook his head and opened his bathroom. "Oh, and, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot!!" he heard Jeongguk suddenly begin to chant from the other room and walked out of the room just in time to catch Jeongguk, who ran right into him and circled his arms around his neck.


"Thank you, thank you," Taehyung tightened his hold around Jeongguk, who seemed so excited that Taehyung was worried he would fly off the ground.

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