34. The payment

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Jeongguk couldn't think properly in his overwhelmed state. Not after he heard Bogum through Taehyung's phone call, calling his husband a slut. 

His hands shook and he couldn't form words that were coherent enough for his mother to understand. After spluttering for a long time, he began to mumble 'home' over and over again while his hands effectively tried their best to make him go bald. 

"You want to go back home?...Ggukie, focus!!....baby, answer me....look at me.....Ggukie, look at me, you wanna go to Taehyung?.....did something happen to him?" Jihyo finally got him to look at her, finding her son with bloodshot, unfocused and frantic eyes. 

It felt like a stab to her stomach. Even though she had seen him like this an infinite number of times, it still felt like a stab to her. She hurt every single time her son hurt. 

"Bogum.....home..." Jeongguk got up, deciding to just run all the way back to his house, seeing as neither his mother nor Jimin's mother knew how to drive. 

"What are you doing?! Baby, stop!! GGUKIE, STOP!! GGUKIE!!!" Jeongguk stopped outside the house, turning around to look at her. "Where are you going?!" she asked frantically. 


Soohyeon frowned as she rushed out of her house to see what the yelling was about. "What happened?" she asked, but Jihyo didn't answer her. She already had tears in her eyes. "Baby, I'll call Appa or Jimin home, they'll take you there," she cried. 

"No...home...." Jeongguk turned around, but Jihyo ran and held him back forcefully this time. "I'm not letting you run all the way there," she cried and looked at her sister-in-law for help, who already had her phone in her hands. 

"Should I call Taehyung to pic-"

"No, Taehyung's in some trouble, I think. Call Jimin or Jaewan, please," Jihyo said hurriedly, trying her damned best to stop her struggling son from becoming violent in his desperation to go home. 

"I have Seojoon's number. Should I call him instead? The cafe's closer than Jimin or Jae's companies," Soohyeon asked Jihyo, helping her in dragging a violently struggling Jeongguk back home. Jihyo nodded and Soohyeon placed the call right away.

Jeongguk screamed loudly as he slapped his face hard with both of his hands. The tears present on his face made the slap hurt harder, and that in turn made him more desperate. 

"Jeon Jeongguk!!" Jihyo glared at her son. 

"KIM JEONGGUK!! KIM!!" he screamed. 

"Something!! I am not letting you go now. You have to wait for someone," she said sternly, but not a single word registered into Jeongguk's brain. All he wanted was to go home and save his husband from the man who carved 'FAGGOT' on his chest and abused him sexually and physically for so long. 

"Seojoon?! This is Jeongguk's Aunt speaking," Soohyeon said when Seojoon finally answered, and she put the phone on speaker when Seojoon acknowledged her and asked her what the matter was. She went to Jeongguk and despite his struggle, she forced him to talk. 

"Jeonggukie, he can take you home, so tell him what's wrong!!" she exclaimed, and after repeating the same thing a few more times, he finally responded. 

"Bogum!!....Bogum...Taehyung....our house.....I need to....I NEED TO GO!!" he yelled and screamed louder. 

"Shit!!" Soohyeon heard Seojoon exclaim. She didn't know what was going on, but she could see realization dawn on Jihyo. 

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