18. Lost

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Everything happened so fast, Jimin couldn't even catch a breath and stop to rethink about everything that had just happened.

One second, he was pouting and sulking about Jeongyeon not showing up to work just because she woke up late, and the next second, the whole department was blowing up with the article that one of the biggest news companies had posted.

And he couldn't believe his eyes when they landed on the pictures that were staring back at him from the screen. His hands shook as he stared at the two people on it.

Mainly his cousin.

His brother.

Not a second was given for them to catch their breath after that. He and his colleagues were thrown into the abyss of working as hard as they could to reverse the damage that had already taken place.

Not to mention how more than half of them were working the whole time grumbling and protesting about how they were not willing to support and help a 'social abomination' and that they were only doing it because of the good salary that they received.

It was around ten in the night when he and his colleagues were finally relieved from their duties, about a few minutes after the higher authorities finally realized that the people all around the country have already read the article and that the damage couldn't be reversed anymore because no matter how much they tried to bring the articles and posts down, they kept popping up again and again.

The more they tried to bring them down, the more they came up, with growing hatred towards the company for trying to cover up the disgusting deeds of a shameless singer who deserved nothing but dirt thrown at him for going against the law of nature by dating a man.

Jimin felt his eyes tear up as he looked at the number of missed calls he had gotten from Taehyung.

Something must have happened to Jeongguk for Taehyung to have called him that many times. And to think he wasn't there to help him despite promising him that he would be one call away.....

He rubbed his face harshly and stared at the other missed calls that he had gotten. With a sigh, he called his mother.

"JIMIN-AH, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE ARE YOU?! WE WERE ABOUT TO CALL THE COPS, GODDAMN IT!!" Jimin could hear a small whine in the background and he supposed his mother's loud yells were upsetting his brother.

"Eomma, I'm fine. I got off work just now and I'm hella exhausted and hungry, so please cook me something nice by the time I reach home. I don't wanna eat outside," Jimin said, simultaneously working on putting his seatbelt on.

"Okay, okay, I will, but what happened?? You could have at least called," Soohyeon grumbled angrily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even have a second to breathe. Did you hear the news about Taehyung-ssi?" Jimin asked.

"No, why?"

"You did not?! Open Twitter or something right away!! Some stalker took pics of Taehyung-ssi and our Ggukie while they were on a date, and sold those pics to a huge news company. Must have earned a fortune. Anyways, people are going crazy about it," Jimin explained.

"Oh. Is that why you had to leave work so late?" Soohyeon asked.

"Yupp. I'll hang up now. We'll talk after I get back, but I think Aunt Jihyo and Uncle Jaewan need to know about this immediately. People are trashing our Ggukie too," Jimin said. His phone was on speaker and he was driving back home as he spoke.

"WHAT?!?! IS THAT WHY GGUKIE HAS BEEN MUMBLING 'IT'S UNFAIR' OVER AND OVER AGAIN EVER SINCE TAEHYUNG'S MANAGER DROPPED HIM OFF AT OUR HOUSE?! He didn't tell me anything about it, but has been on his phone ever since he has returned," Soohyeon reduced her volume after another loud whine from the said person.

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