25. Special night

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Jeongguk giggled as he jumped along with Taehyung. Jimin and Jeongyeon were doing the same on the other end of the room while Namjoon and Seokjin were eating each others' faces in another corner. Hoseok was busy playing the songs and Yoongi was busy fucking him with his eyes. 

Taehyung's official hiatus had started nine days ago and all of them were currently at Yoongi's penthouse, celebrating his birthday privately. 

Yoongi had not called anyone else, having no other friends that he trusted more than the people currently present in the room. Of course, he had not trusted Jeongyeon, but he had relented at the end when Taehyung told him that he trusted her. 

Taehyung and Jeongyeon had made up as well. He didn't know what convinced her, but he had a sneaking suspicion that it might have been Jimin. Nonetheless, he was glad he made up with her. Romantic interest or not, he did like her as a human. 

Jimin had been another story that Taehyung wanted to keep in his heart forever. He still remembered the day he and Jimin had gone to a bar. 

Not only had their bond grown super strong, but Jimin had also apologized with tears in his eyes for punching him and telling him that he deserved everything that was being thrown at him. He had apologized for jumping to conclusions without listening to what made Taehyung want to break up with Jeongguk in the first place. 

Everything became bygones after that. Ever since Taehyung's hiatus had started, he had spent almost every day with Jeongguk in some or the other way and Jeongguk ended up staying at Taehyung's house for the night three times already.

Taehyung bent down and placed his hands on his knees, wanting to catch a breath. It was the fifth song that they had jumped crazily to already, and Jeongguk had not let him catch his breath even once in between the songs. 

"Up, up, up!! Are you a grandpa?! Get up!!" Jeongguk exclaimed again. Taehyung twisted his features pitifully and pretended to cry. "Hobi hyung, stop for a second!!" he cried, "I'm dying here!!"

"Are you crying? Why are you crying?? Are you a baby?! You shou-"

"Ggukkkkiiieeeeeeeee," Taehyung whined hard. What was so hard about letting a man catch his breath?!

"Ggukie, you don't want him to faint, do you? Let him breathe," Jimin chuckled and Jeongyeon giggled along with him. "Come and dance with me, Jeongguk," she said, indirectly giving Taehyung the chance to finally stop and breathe. 

Unlike Taehyung, Jimin and Jeongyeon had taken their breaks in between and did not have any trouble jumping more. "Should I continue, then?" Hoseok asked when Jeongguk excitedly went over to Jeongyeon. He had taken quite a liking towards her as well. 

"Yass, yass, leave that old man," Jeongguk said and Hoseok chuckled, looking down to play the next song. 

With a giddy grin, Jimin danced his way over to Taehyung, who was now done catching his breath. The two of them started dancing as well, jumping a little less vigorously compared to their partners. 

Namjoon and Seokjin had taken a step more, slamming Yoongi's guest room door shut behind them. Yoongi cleared his throat and finally mustered up the courage to ask Hoseok to join him. "I thought you'd never ask," Hoseok said, rolling his eyes with a grin. He set up a playlist and joined Yoongi. 

When Namjoon and Seokjin finally decided to grace the rest of them with their decent presence, they ordered food and sat down to chat among themselves and when they left to their homes, it was way past midnight. 

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